Chapter 10

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Fair warning. This one is mostly just Alex explaining his life since Madison left, so it doesn't have any action. Maybe.

As I described the past three years of my life, Alex was surprisingly quiet. He actually took the news about gods and monsters being real quite well.

"So, you're here on a quest to save the world?," Alex asked once I'd finished. I nodded.

"Pretty much. And, somehow, you've got something to do with it.," I answered.

"But how? I-I don't have anything to do with your world.," Alex said, sounding a bit exasperated.

Honestly, I agreed with him, but when I looked at his memories, his eyes were a different color and they controlled Alex. There was only one logical explanation. For some reason, something evil had possessed my brother and chose to kill our parents. And I had a feeling it wasn't an eidolon.

Brian intertwined his fingers with mine. By looking at his and Macy's expressions, I could tell they were thinking along the same lines as I was. I took a deep breath before asking a question I'd been wondering about for three years.

"Alex? W-what happened to them? Mom and Dad, I mean.," I questioned carefully. Alex put his head in his hands.

"They're buried in Quiet Grove Cemetery (A/N; Totally made up btw.)  a few miles away. I-I didn't even see their funeral, Madison. After you left, I called the police. Of course, all the evidence pointed at me, so I was arrested. I told nothing but the truth, so my lawyer pleaded insanity. I was in a mental hospital for two years. Two years!," Alex exclaimed. I listened, with tears beginning to form. But Alex wasn't done, yet.

"When I was finally released, I still had restrictions. Mostly, I wasn't allowed outside the city. But I didn't give up. I searched for you, Madison. I asked the police if they ever found you, but they said no, so I looked myself. I searched every possible place in this city, but it was like you vanished off the face of the earth. Eventually, I was forced to give up. My being released required me getting a job and my own place, so I did, but I never gave up hope that you would return.," Alex explained. I couldn't believe what Alex had gone through. But there was still one question left unanswered.

"What about the house? Why hasn't it and the furniture been sold?," I asked. Alex gave me a sad smile.

"Mom and Dad left everything to us, Madison. You disappeared, so it was all mine. But I couldn't sell any of it. This house and everything in it. They were the only connection to my family I had left.," Alex said, quietly. 

I hadn't noticed, but tears were streaming down my face. I jumped up and hugged my brother.

"We'll take you with us.," I said. Macy and Brian looked surprised, but not as much as Alex. I, however, was adamant about my outburst.

"You can have a new life in New York. I can visit from camp as much as I want and we can be a family again.," I insisted.

"Really?," Alex asked, hopefully. I nodded and we hugged. A real sibling hug like the ones we shared when we were young. Brian and Macy smiled at me before joining the hug. We stood there for a while, all smiling and happy.

Until the wall exploded behind us.

Mwahahaha! A little cliffie from me to you, hope you like it as much as I do! Ok. That was a little creepy poetry that i have never spoken before. O_o  Anywho, you can expect another update tomorrow or Sunday, so...... Bye! AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE.

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