Dont Feed the Darkness

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Everyone has been afraid of the dark at one point in time, as a child, a young adult, or as an elderly person who has learned better from age. It's a fear that's inevitable, the light chases away what we cannot see, what possibly lurks in the darkness.

You can never know what's lurking in the dark, but whatever it is, it's watching you. Perhaps the darkness is in the back of your closet, under your bed, or maybe, it's the crack of your open door. Where ever it is, it is watching you closely, waiting for the right time to get you.

You never know what the darkness looks like, as we cannot see it. I'd like to believe that everyone's darkness looks different. Maybe yours is seven feet tall and grotesquely thin, and stands in the corner, while someone else's is shorter with claw like fingers, hiding under their bed. They take shape of what scares us most. Maybe the darkness has no specific shape, but is more of an amoeba, constantly changing shapes to its surroundings.

The darkness always creeps a little closer when you're sleeping. Getting closer, closer, until it's at the edge of your bed. As time goes by, it will crawl onto your bed, touching your feet, tugging at the blankets, making them shift down. You may just think that your blanket is caught on something, but that is where you're wrong, the darkness is testing you.

If you tug back, they know they need to back up, back to the edge of your bed, waiting till you're in a deep slumber, unknowing of its existence. If you don't tug back, however, then it will creep forward, climbing over you and to your side, where it will touch your face and hands.

The darkness, will gently drag its fingers over the backsides of your hands, and up your arms, almost soothing, but with the wrong intentions, wanting and craving your fear. If you don't respond, it'll move onto your face, doing similar actions as it did to your hands and arms.

Then if it still cannot spring any fear from you, then it will start whispering and tugging at your hair. At this time, you will most likely wake up, open your eyes, and look around. No matter how tempting it is, do not open your eyes, or you will be face to face, staring into the eyes of the darkness which will show you your worst fears. By doing this, it can feed.

Whatever you do, don't feed the darkness.

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