Chapter 5

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A new wave looms, getting closer with each second. Michael is the one to speak up. "Uh, over or under?"

Everyone stands perfectly still. I tighten my grip on Luke, feeling his heart speed up a bit as the wave gets closer, growing with every passing second. 

The people just a ways out whoop joyfully as they sail over the rapidly building water formation. One of them moves too slowly and gets swept up in the surf, limbs flailing wildly.

"Definitely under," all of us say in unison.

"Hold on," Luke mutters under his breath to me, sizing up the wave and the best way to duck under it. 

I do as he says, unwilling to plunge back into the murky depths of ocean again.

Michael crosses his heart in a prayer, sucking in a deep breath.

"If I die," Calum murmurs, "tell my mom that I had a girlfriend so she'll be proud of me."

Ashton shakes his head from side to side, eyes fixed on the Godzilla-sized wave, his hazel eyes wide. "I don't wanna die a virgin." 

The rest of us look at him suddenly. 

"What?" he says defensively. "I'm saving myself for marriage." 

Mikey raises an eyebrow. 

"Fine," Ash concedes, a faint blush coloring on his cheeks. "Maybe no one wants to bang me. I still don't want to die a virgin, though."

"If we get through this, Ash, I'll bang you myself," Michael adds with a wink, causing the other boy to turn beet red.

Calum blinks slowly, stubbornly refusing to look at either of them, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "I could have gone my entire life without ever hearing that," he says. "You two can get a room if we survive, but for now, I don't wanna hear any more."

Luke adjusts his stance, trying to block out the ridiculous chatter of our friends. 

Turning his head slightly to the side to look at me, he says, "If something bad happens, Kat, let go of me. You'll do better without me dragging you down."

I nod, double checking that my limbs are locked and ready to withstand the monster wave. God, I hope we don't die. It would suck to die at age nineteen. 

We collectively hold our breath as we plunge into the heart of the wave, desperately hoping to make it out easily. I cling tightly to Luke, squeezing my eyes shut. We start to come back up to the surface, but a second wave slams into us, tossing us around like laundry in a washing machine. 

I lose my grip on Luke in the chaos and tumble through the water like a gymnast transitioning from bar to bar. Salt water stings my eyes, nose and mouth. The world is a flurry of movement, everything a watery blur. 

Eventually, everything slows down and comes back into focus.

I get to my feet unsteadily, swaying. Water streams out of my mouth as violent coughs rack my body. Arms go around my shaking body to support me and I sag gratefully against them. Calum props me up as I expel the last of the water from my lungs, making sure I'm ready to stand on my own before letting me go.

"You okay?" he asks, dark eyes flickering all over my face with concern.

I nod, brushing my hair out of my face. He and Michael seem to have gotten out unscathed. Ashton is picking strands of slimy green seaweed out of his hair, but he appears to be fine. And Luke-

My eyes dart around restlessly, but he's not there.

Heart pounding, I turn to Cal. "Where's Luke?"

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