Chapter 23

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Ice runs down my spine and I sit up all the way, my heart kicking into overdrive. "What?"

He gestures toward the clothes resting on my bed, heading out the door. "Get dressed. I'll explain everything on the way."

With hurried movements, I shuck off my pajamas, which are really just old clothes I don't wear outside the house. Sliding my legs into the jeans, I pull the shirt over my head as I rush down the stairs. I realize with a start that the shirt still smells like Luke and I almost break down right then and there. Calum is standing by my front door, a hand resting on the door handle. I hurry towards him and we race across my front lawn to the car parked on the side of the road. Cal slides into the passenger seat and I go to the back. As soon our butts hit the seats, Mali-Koa slams her foot down on the gas pedal, careening around the corner.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" I demand, my heart still beating unevenly. Something really bad has happened, something that they felt was urgent enough to break into my house and wake me up at three am.

Calum doesn't look at me when he speaks. "Luke... He came home kinda late last night, drunk off his ass, and asked if he could borrow someone's car. He was so upset, Mom gave him her keys." There's a long pause where Cal draws in a shaky breath. "Kat, he crashed the car and it doesn't look very good right now. My mom and Michael are already at the hospital and we called Ashton, so he should be getting there very soon."

No. No no no. I wrap my arms tightly around myself, feeling like I'm going to throw up in the back of Mali's car. What if he doesn't make it? This is all my fault. He was just starting to get better and now I'm the reason why he reached out for the bliss alcohol offers for him.

"Kat?" Calum asks, twisting around to look at me. His eyes soften when they see the expression on my face. "Hey, I'm sure he's going to be okay."

"But what if he isn't?" My voice breaks and I bury my face in my hands. "This is all my fault, Calum."

"Don't say that." Calum reaches over to pull my hands away from my face, brushing the hair out of my eyes. "It's not your fault."

"I never even told him I loved him," I murmur miserably.

Mali's reckless driving gets us to the hospital faster than it normally takes to get there and we all spill out of the car, slamming our doors behind us. I run across the parking lot, reaching the doors before either of the Hood siblings. Michael and Ashton jump up from their seats on the chairs in the lobby, rushing over to us.

"Where's Luke?" is the only thing I say.

Ashton's hazel eyes are wide and sympathetic as he replies. "He's not here yet. It took them awhile to pull him from the wreckage." Seeing the despair on my face, he adds quickly, "But they'll be here soon, don't worry."

I turn to Calum and bury my face in his chest. His arms come up around me, rubbing my back in slow, comforting circles. When he has to leave to go to the bathroom, I move into Ashton's arms. He tells me about his new dog in an effort to take my mind off of things. Michael attempts to do his part by telling me dumb jokes. Mali-Koa is content to just hold me until I calm down, slowly rocking me back and forth. I cling tightly to her, my face pressed into her shoulder, my tears soaking her shirt.

The whine of a siren jerks us all out of our daze and onto our feet. The EMTs work quickly and efficiently, hopping out and rushing to the back of the ambulance. They wheel Luke in on a stretcher and I cover my mouth with my hand, tears running down my cheeks. He looks horrible. Blood runs down his lip from his nose, cuts and bruises scattered all over his face and arms. A long gash oozes blood on his arm. His eyes are closed, their bright blue shielded from the world. His skin is gray and gaunt, and with the way he stays completely still, it looks like he's dead. The single thought is like a dagger to my heart.

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