Chapter 11

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"And I think you're insane," I shoot back, getting a little annoyed now. Is everyone going to tell me how I feel and what I should do about it? 

"I don't even like him like that," I continue. "We're friends, and friends stop by each other's work sometimes and they get lunch. Not because they want to get in the other's pants, but because they're friends."

She sighs. "Kat, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant... I don't know, I just want you to be smart and careful. I don't want to see you get hurt. Whatever you decide to do regarding this... this... whatever's going with you and Luke, I'll be here for you."

I offer her a smile in return. "Thanks, Cassie."

"And if you want to tell me you like Luke, that's okay too." 

I hit her playfully in the arm, which sends her into a fit of giggles, ducking away from me. 

"Okay, okay, but know that I'm always up for discussing how hot Hemmings is," Cassie says around another round of laughter. "Please don't hit me again. Ouch! Quit it, Kat, I mean it!"


At 11:45 sharp, Luke strides back into The Scoop with a sense of purpose, the bandage covering his newly obtained stitches fixed firmly in place. 

I hang up my apron, yanking my ponytail holder from my hair and transferring it to my wrist. Cassie waves bye as we walk out the door, Jenny sending fiery glares in my direction and starry eyed ones in Luke's.

"So were you just insanely bored and decided to go out to lunch?" I tease as I hit the button on the traffic light to signal that someone wants to cross the road.

Luke runs a hand through his golden hair, shoving his hands back into the pockets of his jeans. "I had to get out of the house. The Hoods are like a second family to me, and I love them, don't get me wrong, but they've been hovering over me all day, so I walked around for awhile and then stopped by The Scoop to see you and then walked around some more."

"Getting my steps in today," he jokes dryly, hoping to hide whatever dark emotions he feels behind sarcasm and lightheartedness.

The sign flashes the okay to go and we walk across the crosswalk, on alert for jerks who will run the red light and possibly kill us.

"Are they worried about your head or about what happened last night or a mix of both?" I ask as we reach the other side safely.

"Both. It's been... chaotic recently."

A boy on a bike creeps up behind us, his shirt flapping like a flag in the wind. I step to the side to avoid being run over, bumping into Luke in the process. 

Clearing my throat, I slide away from him casually. "I've only been back two days and even I'm overwhelmed. I can't imagine how the rest of you feel." 

Spotting an Australian Shepherd leashed outside of a candy shop that has the front doors thrown wide open, I skip ahead, dragging Luke after me. "Look! A dog!"

He smiles, letting me pull him to the store. I stroke the dog's head gently, unable to contain my excitement. Luke bends down to scratch behind the Shepherd's ear. He has to grab my hand and force me away from the dog, laughing and saying that he's starving and he'll die if we don't get to the cafe soon.

I whine about leaving the animal, but let him lead me down the sidewalk, imagining for once that everyone is right and I do like him. It's not as hard as I thought. 

What if this wasn't an outing of two friends going to get lunch? What if this was a date and he was my boyfriend? What if he belonged to me and no one else? I find the alternate reality more appealing than I should.


(Sorry this one is kinda short)

Kat's starting to think about what would happen if she and Luke dated, it's finally happening!!!

If you're still reading this, you're amazing <3


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