Chapter 40

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I'm jerked awake by a piercing scream, my heart racing. The shout comes again and I cringe into the couch, digging my nails into my palms. Calum's head is turned in the direction of the sound as well, his brown eyes worried.

"You don't think... ?" His expression is troubled as he gives me a brief look.

I raise my hands, pressing them into my temples sharply. "I don't want to think about what that was. All I know is that there's nothing I can do, since Liz banned me from the ER." I blink away the hot tears prickling at the backs of my eyelids, squeezing them shut. I can't picture what must be going on, what might happen where I can't see.

God, I wish this was all a dream.

I hear footsteps against the polished stone floors, but I don't open my eyes. I shrink further into myself, wishing I could disappear. Maybe if I don't exist, all this will stop.

"Kat." Ashton's voice breaks through the silence but I don't move. "He's awake. And he's asking for you. Rather loudly, if I might add."

My eyes fly open and I swing around to plant my feet on the ground. "Is Liz allowing me back in?"

He throws his shoulders back, determination blazing in the hazel eyes I know so well. His jaw clenched tightly, he says, "No, but to hell with her. Luke's just almost died. If he wants to talk to you, he should get to talk to you. Liz shouldn't be the one to make that call, even if she is his mother." Seeing my apprehension, he adds softly, "If she tries anything, we have your back."

"Thanks." I slowly inhale and exhale, getting to my feet, Calum doing the same beside me. "Let's go then."

"I am going to have some words with Liz," Cal mutters darkly under his breath as Ashton pushes open the door. I flash him a warning glance and he quickly amends his statement. "Later," he adds. "I mean I'm going to have words with her later."

"Good," I mutter as we walk down the rows of patients. "Luke doesn't need to see any of that." As much as it pains me not to run to Luke, I keep up a normal pace. Michael scowls at Liz as she shifts in her seat when we come into view. As we approach them, Calum and Ashton move to flank me on either side, shielding me from the fierce glower Liz tosses at me. I flinch as we pass her, crossing the rest of the distance between me and Luke.

He looks much better than he did the last time I saw him, a little color back into his face and he doesn't shiver underneath the blankets as much. The blue eyes I have grown so accustomed to seeing these past few weeks, the eyes I worried I would never see open again, are full of insecurity.

"We have to stop meeting like this," I say quietly, bringing a small smile to his lips. I'm very aware of his mother glaring daggers at me, Cal and Ash standing at attention just behind me.

Luke takes a shaky breath, glancing down at his hands. "Look, Kat, I'm sorry about what I said, I was being a complete dick."

He tries to continue, but I cut him off. "It doesn't matter. I'm not mad anymore. I'm just glad that you're okay."

He smiles again and Liz rolls her eyes, standing up as she clears her throat. "That was very nice, but I think we're done here. Kat, if you would show yourself the door-" She moves around the bed toward me and Calum and Ashton step forward as I flinch in anticipation.

"Kat's not leaving until she wants to," Luke says in a cold tone that causes his mother to freeze. "It was never your call to throw her out, Mother." Liz winces at the formal, distant use of the word. "Sit down and leave her alone, otherwise you will be the next person to be kicked out."

To my surprise, she actually listens to him, plopping back down in her seat with a scowl. Andy watches the exchange with wide eyes, a bit of pride sparking in his eyes as he looks at his youngest son. I shrink away from Liz's glare as Ashton and Calum resume their places by Michael.

Luke's jaw clenches as he levels a fierce glare at his mother and she looks away with a pout. Turning back to me, he says softly, "Do you wanna sit down?"

I nod and he slides over on the bed to make room for me. Chancing a glance at Liz, I take a seat, wrapping my arms around myself. Luke frowns, momentarily forgetting about his mother as he shudders. I reach over to adjust the blankets over him without thinking, blushing when he smiles. Silently, he holds out an arm and I lean into him, laying my head on his chest.

"Do you...?" he murmurs, trailing off uncertainly.

I pick my head up, frowning as I lock eyes with him. "You're not as smart as I thought you were if you really think that I would ever stop liking you just because of something like this. I love you, Luke."

A relieved look flashes in front of his eyes as he smiles softly. "I love you too, Kat."

I smile back at him before lying back down, curling up next to him. He traces small circles on my back with one lazy finger and I bury my face in his chest so I don't have to look at Liz, closing my eyes. I know things are far from perfect, but for the first time in a long time, everything feels right. When I was with Blake, it was good, but there was something missing. I hadn't realized until now that the thing I was missing was Luke. I could handle anything as long as I had him by my side.

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