Chapter 27

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I watch as Celeste and Jack slide rings onto each other's fingers, looking like they're about to burst with happiness. I find myself glad that they found each other, despite how they managed to do it. They so obviously deserve each other, although I wish they didn't have to hurt Luke to find that out.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the preacher exclaims with a smile. "You may kiss the bride!"

The crowd erupts into cheers as Jack swiftly bends down to plant his lips on his new wife's, Celeste's hand at the base of his neck tugging him down gently. The happy couple hold hands as they walk down the aisle, waving at all their friends and family that came. Celeste saves a special smile for me as she passes and I find myself smiling back. The families of the bride and groom join the procession, sliding in just before the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Luke blanches as his mother walks directly in front of him, but doesn't say anything. As they pass our bench, Luke waves at all of us.

"There's thirty minutes in between the ceremony and the reception for pictures, so we have a bit of time to kill," Ash murmurs as the last of the procession exits the sanctuary. "Might as well take pictures since we're all dressed up."

We slide out of the bench and head to the parking lot, where the guests are posing for pictures. The wedding in-crowd have a different location for pictures, probably at the back of the church or at the reception venue.

Joy Hood tells us where to stand beneath one of the trees at the front of the church, phone in hand. "A little to the left, Calum!" she calls. "Michael, leave Ashton alone. Face the camera and smile. No, don't make a face. Smile!"

We take all the variations of pictures we can think of until there's only five minutes remaining until the start of the reception. We all pile back into Ash's car and travel the four minutes down the road to the place the newlyweds chose. I stare around in awe. It's a little vineyard tucked away from the majority of the buildings, with an enormous marble pavilion perched by a shimmering lake. Pale rose gold decorations accentuate the veins of pale pink that run through the stone. Twinkling fairy lights are strung up, adding the final touch.

"It's gorgeous," I breathe in astonishment.

"I usually don't notice these kinds of things, but you're absolutely right," Michael adds. "Damn."

We walk down the little stone pathway leading to the structure and join the people already milling about. Celeste and Jack are standing by their wedding cake, which is tastefully done in a way that matches their decor, flutes of sparkling champagne in their hands. Luke is off to the side, clutching the stone railing wrapped around the entirety of the pavilion so hard that his knuckles are white. He turns when we step onto the marble as if he can sense our approach and practically runs all the way across the structure.

I'm taken off guard when he tilts my face up with his hand to bring my lips to his. What's even more surprising is the intensity with which he kisses me. Acting on pure instinct, I kiss him back, too startled to do anything else. When he pulls away, my mind's still reeling.

"Thanks for coming," Luke says, his eyes straying from me to include the three boys gathered behind us. "It means a lot."

"Anything for a brother," Ashton says, clapping Luke on the shoulder before moving to join the crowd. Calum and Michael do likewise, making sure to steer clear of the side where Liz has claimed her territory. I shiver as I spot her eyes locked on me and Luke.

"You look amazing," Luke murmurs to me once they've gone, his hands still cupping my face like it's the most precious thing in the world. I can feel his breath on my skin when he speaks and I have to physically restrain myself from making out with him in front of everyone. "I didn't get a chance to tell you that earlier."

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