Chapter 7

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I'm jerked awake as the car comes to a stop. 

The slam of doors opening and closing fills my ears as I sit up groggily, rubbing my eyes. Luke lifts his head slowly, grimacing at the pain the movement brings. We're parked outside the Hoods' house to drop Luke and Calum off first to make sure that Luke is okay. 

Ashton steadies Luke as he slides out of the car, letting Cal take over as they make their way to the front door.

Halting abruptly, Luke glances over his shoulder and meets my eyes, taking in my feet, planted firmly on the driveway. He frowns. "You're not coming?"

I shake my head. "I should probably get back home." 

It's the truth. My parents are most likely wondering where I am since I told them I would be back by two in the afternoon, and if I wasn't, that I would call. Somewhere in the chaos of rushing Luke to the MedExpress and making sure he was okay and getting him safely back to Calum's house, I forgot.

Seeing Luke's expression, Calum says, "Why don't you stay for awhile, Kat? Watch a movie?" 

His eyes bore into mine, trying to convey a message: And then we can talk.

What the hell? I was with my parents all last week; they won't miss me if I'm gone another couple hours. 

"Okay, fine, you've convinced me," I say, throwing my hands up in surrender.

Ashton waves goodbye, hopping back behind the wheel. Michael's still asleep in the passenger seat, his face pressed up against the window, a tiny trickle of drool sliding down the smooth glass. 

I giggle quietly under my breath as they pull away, following Calum and Luke to the door. We've taken all but two steps into the Hoods' home when Cal's sister comes flying down the stairs.

"Oh my god, I just got your text!" Mali exclaims, throwing her arms around her brother. She leans forward to inspect the bandage held in place over Luke's temple, biting her lip in concentration. "What happened? I thought you guys were just going to the beach!"

Calum helps Luke over to the couch. "We did. A rogue wave took nearly all of us out and Luke hit his head on something. We took him to MedExpress and they gave him stitches." 

Cal runs his fingers through his mop of dark hair, causing it to stand on end.

"Wow." Mali Koa turns to me, a dazzling smile on her face. When they smile, Calum and Mali could be twins. 

"It's so good to see you again, Kat!" she says, wrapping me up in a big hug. "How was San Francisco?"

"Great, but it's not Los Angeles."

She offers me a knowing smile. "Are you staying the night? Luke has the guest bedroom, but if you want you could stay in my room or on the couch, whatever you'd like."

"Thanks, but I'm only staying a few hours," I say, taking a seat on the end of the sofa next to Calum.

"Well, tell me if you change your mind." Mali strides over to the kitchen, fishing through an overhead cabinet. She walks back with a bottle of water and two small pills clutched in her hands. 

"Here," she says, pressing the items into Luke's hands. "These should help with the pain."

"Thanks," he mutters, twisting the cap off the water and downing the two pills. He rests his head on the back of the couch, the dried blood on his shirt resembling a ketchup stain.

Mali seems to notice it at the same time I do. "Cal, why don't you get him a clean shirt? Mom's going to freak out enough as it is."

"Shit, you're right." Calum gets up and pads down the hall in search of a new shirt, disappearing around the corner.

Luke curses under his breath, throwing an arm across his face to cover it up.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Nothing," he murmurs. "Nothing at all."

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