Chapter 28

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Liz appears at Luke's other side and everyone's eyes widen. Luke twists automatically to shield me from his mother. I cling tightly to his suit jacket, bracing myself for the knockdown fist fight about to ensue. "Luke, please, this is a wedding," Liz says offhandedly. "I would never attack you or your girlfriend at a wedding. Now, cut the crap."

He scowls but returns to his normal stance. "What do you want?" he grits out between his teeth. "What could you possibly have to say to me when you didn't even bother to see me when I was in the hospital?"

"Sorry, I don't know how to speak to you when you're sober," she shoots back.

Luke steps forward, ire blazing in his eyes. I slide in between them, placing my hand on Luke's chest to restrain him. "Stop it. Both of you. You're acting ridiculous."

Liz's gaze softens slightly as she looks at me, but the venom in her tone doesn't lessen. "I've always liked you, Kat. Too bad the best you could do was my alcohol-addicted son."

I drop my hand, clenching my jaw tightly. "I'm giving you five seconds to run," I warn darkly.

Her eyes widen, but before I can throw myself at her, arms wrap around me from behind and hold me back. I kick against them, straining to wipe the smug, hate-filled look off her face. What the hell is wrong with her? Luke sets me down, a hand out to keep me behind him. Michael, Calum and Ashton have come up behind us and stand ready. Breathing heavily, I level a fierce glare in Liz's direction.

"Can't we just talk this out?" Jack suggests in vain, panic rising in his voice. "We don't have to be enemies."

"Maybe she should have thought of that before she disowned me," Luke growls menacingly.

Liz's lips curl into a snarl. "Maybe you should've thought of that before you decided to live your life completely wasted all the time."

"Maybe," Michael interjects, "we can all hug it out and forgive each other."

"Shut up," Luke and Liz snap at the same time.

"Shutting up," Michael mutters, stepping back. He shrugs as if to say, Well, I tried.

Liz and Luke face each other down, glaring daggers. "I just wanted to congratulate my son on his wedding to the girl who never loved you, no matter how much you loved her. The only reason Celeste stayed with you so long was because she didn't want to break your heart."

Taken off guard by her words meant to strike exactly where it hurts, Luke blanches, stumbling backward as if she had hit him instead. Calum catches him before he can trip, supporting him. Celeste looks faint and she leans heavily against Jack, who has turned an odd shade of green.

Fueled by rage, I step forward. "Now you're really gonna get it, you bitch." This time Michael catches me before I can launch myself at her. I struggle against his arms, screaming. "Let me down! Someone needs to teach her a lesson."

"Kat, shut up, will you?" Mikey mutters in my ear as he carries me to the edge of the pavilion. "You can attack Liz later. Right now, Luke needs you. Otherwise he might get a little too intoxicated. And we all know that isn't going to go down all that well."

I stop shouting and Michael slowly lets go of me, preparing to grab me if I decide to go after Liz again. I don't and he relaxes. Calum helps Luke sit down on the ground by the DJ booth, heading off to get him a cup of water. He doesn't look so good, dazed and heartache flickering across his face.

I drop to my knees beside him, placing a hand on his cheek. "Luke?" I murmur. "Hey, can you hear me? Your mother's a bitch; I'd go after her if Michael would let me." I shoot Mikey a dirty look as I turn back to Luke. "It's gonna be okay."

"She's right," he mutters under his breath, tears welling up in his eyes. They spill over as he turns his head away from me. "Why do I always love the ones that leave?"

"I'm right here, Luke," I say desperately, grabbing his hand and bringing it to my face. "I'm not going anywhere."

"But you will." His blue eyes hold so much pain and sadness that it physically hurts to look at him. "Everyone always does." He brings his knees up as he covers his face with his hands, breaking down into tortured sobs.

Feeling like my heart's breaking into a thousand pieces, I set my hand gently on his shoulder. "Tell me what I can do," I say softly. Michael and Ashton crouch beside their friend on the ground, concern etched across their faces. Calum returns with the water, holding onto it while Luke cries into his hands. "Luke, we all just want to help. You have me and Calum and Ashton and Michael. We're here for you. Whatever you need, just tell us."

Slowly he picks his head up, eyes red and swollen. "I need a drink," he says in cool, detached voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"I have a horrible feeling that you don't mean this kind," Cal mutters, displaying the cup of water.

Ashton places his hand on Luke's shoulder, fear for his friend shining in his eyes as he leans forward. "Luke, don't do this. You're going to regret it and it'll only make things worse. There must be something else, some other way-"

"There is nothing else," Luke says sharply, cutting him off. "You asked what I needed and I just told you." An icy look enters his blue eyes as they sweep back and forth between the four of us kneeling beside him. "I didn't tell you about finding out about Celeste and Jack because I knew you'd never truly believe me. She was always too nice to hate. For three months, three fucking months, I knew about them. Drinking was the only way to numb the pain. Then she broke up with me and it all was so much. Everything was too much. They started dating and then they got engaged and then I had to be the best man at their fucking wedding!" His tone is dripping venom and bitterness and the three other boys listen with wide eyes. "None of you know what that's like. So why don't you do yourselves a favor just leave me alone?"

Michael gently pats Luke's knee before getting to his feet. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry." Shoving his hands in his pockets, he walks away, toward an empty spot on the dance floor. Calum offers Luke a grim smile before following Mikey, Ash right behind him.

I stare down at the marble beneath us. "Do you want me to leave too?"

"Yes," he mumbles under his breath, not looking me in the eye.

I nod slowly, standing and heading over to where my other friends are standing off to the side. Liz is seated at one of the long tables dinner was served by, Andy scowling beside her. Joy Hood is glaring daggers at her, having probably overheard what happened. Mali is throwing down a glass of what looks like whiskey, reaching for another one when she's done. She catches my eye and tosses me a mischievous wink.

The music switches to a slow song and I try for a smile, turning to the three boys next to me. "We should go dance," I suggest. "This is supposed to be a party, after all."

Calum shrugs, setting the cup of water down on the stone railing. "I call dancing with Ash," he says, winking at the other boy.

"Alright, but watch your hands, Hood." Ashton grins and they walk onto the dance floor, merging with the other dancing couples.

I turn to Michael, extending a hand. "You wanna dance?"

"Sure, why not?"

We find a spot right next to Calum and Ashton and just kind of sway since we're not big dancers. Ashton smacks Cal's hand when it strays down too far, bringing it back up to an appropriate height. I giggle as Calum spins Ashton around. He tries to dip the other boy, but only ends up dropping him on the ground. Just to show off, Michael and I pull off their failed maneuvers. As the song comes to an end, I spot Luke over in the darkest little corner of the pavilion, a dark expression on his face as he tips back a glass of what looks like the whiskey Mali-Koa was drinking earlier. Liz watches him with an unreadable expression from her spot at the tables.

"Have you ever seen Luke drunk before?" Calum mutters to me, following my line of sight. When I shake my head, he adds grimly, "It's not exactly a pretty sight." His eyes take on a solemn look as Luke reaches for another glass. "Just, brace yourself. This is definitely not going to end well."

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