Chapter 20

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Attempting to fix my hair so it doesn't look like Luke and I were making out in my room, which was totally what we were doing, we head down the stairs to participate in what is sure to be a strained lunch with my mother.

As soon as we turn the corner, Luke falls back ever so slightly to hide behind me, keeping his hands to himself. I wipe away the frown that wants to form on my face, plastering a somewhat believable smile on my face for my mother. 

Mom has set plates piled with pasta on the island, her plate placed across from us. Luke takes the stool next to me like it's the most natural thing to be eating at my house when in reality he probably hasn't been here since fifth grade.

"How did you two get together?" My mom tries to strike up a casual conversation as if our previous one never happened. For Luke, at least, I'll pretend with her.

I shrug nonchalantly. "It just kind of happened. I'm not sure how to explain it."

Luke doesn't argue with me, remaining silent in an effort not to upset my mother. He politely eats the pasta she made, sneaking secret glances at me, smiling in a way that's so adorable that I have to physically restrain myself from getting into another heated make out session with him. Just remembering what we did on my bed, his hands all over my body, his mouth on mine, my hands twisted in his hair... 

I blush furiously, dropping my gaze.

My mom's eyes narrow ever so slightly. "Luke," she says, turning her full attention to him. He shifts uncomfortably, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "What do you like to do?"

His blue eyes widen a fraction of an inch. "I, uh, I like music. It's more of a hobby, not a job thing though."

Mom snaps her fingers like she just remembered something. "Oh right you're in a band with Calum and Michael and Ashton. Your mother was telling me about that a while ago."

At the mention of his mother Luke blanches, quickly covering it up by stuffing a forkful of pasta in his mouth, nodding.

It hurts to see him hide his pain, to bury it deep down inside him. It makes me wonder what he's been hiding from me. I bite my lip as I twirl my fork in the pasta absentmindedly.

Clearing her throat, my mother leans forward, a solemn expression on her face. "Listen, I'm sorry for what I said earlier." 

Both of us pick our heads up, surprised. 

She takes a deep breath and continues plowing through. "Luke, it was wrong of me to judge you since I don't actually know much about you. It's just... It's been so long since Kat has been with anyone and I don't want her to get hurt again. I'm sorry."

Luke dips his head to accept the apology, not quite sure what to say. I only stare at my mom in shock. This has to be a trap.

I slide off of my stool, Luke fumbling to copy my movements. "Thanks for lunch, but we should probably get going."

"You don't have to leave," she hurries to say. "If you want to go upstairs, I won't bother you. Kat, you haven't been home in a while. You don't have to talk to me, but will you stay, just a little longer?"

I stare into her eyes, full of genuine emotion. She did just make nice with my boyfriend and I have been ducking away from her ever since we got back from San Francisco. 


I dart towards the foot of the stairs, looking back at the blond boy that I never would have expected to be the one to finally heal my broken heart. "You coming?" I ask, a smile breaking out on my face. "Or are you going to stand there all day?"

He makes a face at me, using his long legs to propel him forward. I run up the stairs, Luke chasing after me down the hallway. I shriek when he catches up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me up off the ground. 

I struggle for a few seconds before giving up, tilting my face toward his. I allow my eyes to drink in every little detail of his face. From the slight point of his nose to his soft lips, I don't see a single flaw.

"What are you thinking?" he whispers.

"That I can't believe you're mine," I murmur, twisting to press my lips to his neck.

He blushes, his arms tightening around me as he carries me the rest of the way down the hall to my room. 

Depositing me on the bed, he flops down beside me, smiling lazily up at me. I curl into his side, resting my head on his chest. It's a perfect scene straight out of my imagination. His arm casually looped around me, holding me close, the sound of his steady heartbeat in my ear. 

I never let myself believe that I'd eventually find someone who could fix what broke inside of me that fateful night, never let myself hope in vain. To finally find that person... It feels so damn good. It makes me feel like I can do anything if I have Luke by my side.

His voice breaks the placid silence. "I was wondering..." Luke starts, hesitating ever so slightly. "The wedding is in two weeks and I was wondering if maybe you'd go with me? Like, as my plus one?"

I sit up slightly to look him in the eye, my heart breaking for him. His blue eyes are full of uncertainty, worried that I'll say no and leave him to suffer through what may very well be the worst day of his life on his own. 

"Of course," I reply, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. Pulling back, I gaze down at him with a lazy grin. "What kind of dress should I get?"

"I don't know," he murmurs. "You could wear a trash bag and still be the most beautiful girl in the room."

I shift to place my lips against his, giggling softly. "You flatter me, Hemmings."

He blushes, reaching a hand up to cup my cheek like it's the most precious thing on earth. His eyes flicker all over my face. "Is it really flattery if it's the truth?"

I move to hover over top of him, my forearm resting just beside his head on the bed. "Just shut up and kiss me."

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