Chapter 26

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The day of the wedding, Ashton picks me, Calum and Michael up in his Jeep. Luke had to be at the venue earlier since he's the best man, but he promised last night when he stopped by my house that we'd meet up later. My mom helped me get ready, offering to do my hair in an elaborate braided crown as I did my makeup.

I nervously reach up to make sure the bobby pins holding it in place haven't fallen out, biting my lip. Even though Cal and Ash and Mikey had told me I looked amazing when I walked out, I can't help but wondering if they only said that because they're my friends. In truth, they're the ones that look amazing. I've never seen my best friends in tuxes before, but I can tell you that they definitely rock them.

Ashton cranks up the radio as we bump along the road to the church Jack and Celeste chose downtown. We all sing to the song, creating a great four-part harmony. They let me take the lead as usual and I belt out the familiar lyrics with everything I have, trying not to feel awkward that Luke's not there to sing the lead with me.

He got out of the hospital two days ago and other than the small cuts and bruises on his face and the stiff way he holds his healing arm, he's good as new. Since his parents didn't even bother to see if he was okay, he's back to living at Calum's house. I know that today is going to be an all around awful day for him. Not only will his cheating ex-girlfriend be marrying his older brother at the wedding where he's the best man, but the parents that threw him out of his house and practically disowned will be there. The boys and I have an unspoken pact; shield Luke from the worst of it. He's been through enough without having this blow up in his face while he's still trying to get over being in a car crash.

Ashton pulls into the church's parking lot, cutting the engine and slipping the keys into his pocket. I anxiously clutch my phone closer to my chest, feeling like my heart's about to beat out of my chest. I have no idea what's about to go down. I've never been to a wedding before, let alone one that's about to be as interesting as this one.

The four of us stick close together as we walk towards the front door, my heels clicking against the asphalt. I trip over a crack in the road and Michael steadies me before I can fall. I flash him a grateful look and try to watch where I put my feet. God, I should never have worn heels.

Calum hauls open the door for us and we all silently follow Ash into the church. The foyer is full of people congregating, telling each other how nice they clean up as they wait to be let into the sanctuary, where the actual event will take place. Calum's mother and Mali-Koa are standing off to the side, ignoring the veiled glares Liz Hemmings is throwing their way. Luke's mother is dressed for the occasion and certainly looks lovely, but I don't go over to talk to her the way I would a few months ago. Instead, we join the Hoods at the edge of the crowd.

"Are you ready to watch the fireworks?" Mali mutters under her breath as I come to a stop beside her.

I chuckle darkly. "Oh, this isn't going to end well." Injecting a little excitement into my voice, I say, "You look great, by the way. I love your dress." And she does. She's wearing a pale rose silk dress that's elegantly simple.

"Me? What about you?" she exclaims. "You look absolutely amazing."

"Thanks," I say brightly. "Celeste helped me pick it out, which I was totally not expecting. I was also not expecting her to be so nice."

Mali nods grimly. "Makes you wonder how such a sweet girl could ever cheat on anyone, doesn't it? Especially Luke, poor guy. He's one of the nicest people ever; if someone can cheat on him, there's sure as hell no hope for the rest of us." Lightening up, she bumps my shoulder with hers. "I'm honestly just here for the drinks they're gonna serve at the reception. I'm ready to get completely wasted while everything's exploding like a live grenade. If you find me puking in the flower beds, just leave me. I'm gonna be living my best life."

I laugh, surprisingly myself. I didn't think I was gonna feel happy at all during this. If I didn't want to support Luke, I would have stayed as far away from this wedding as possible.

People start moving as the doors to the sanctuary are thrown open. Liz gives Joy one last sharp look before heading inside with Andy on her arm. Mali-Koa loops her arm through mine like she knows I'll need the support as we follow the procession. We find a long bench on the groom's side relatively close to the front and slide in. Between the Hoods, me, Calum, Michael and Ashton, we take up more than half of the bench. I find myself squeezed between Calum and Michael, almost directly in the middle of our little group.

Ashton holds up a hand, displaying the wedding program he snatched from the table in the foyer. "Now I can say that I've been to a wedding."

"Me too," I say with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not alone!" he exclaims as we reach over Michael to high five.

"I'm not a genius," Calum starts slowly, "but aren't these things supposed to take a long time?"

"Yep," Michael responds, leaning back against the bench. "You better settle in, Cal, we could be here until we die."

I shake my head at him, fighting to keep the smile off my face.

Music starts pouring out of the piano set up off to the side and the bridesmaids and groomsmen enter, splitting to walk around the outside of the room to the altar. I spot Luke easily since he's the first one in line, watching as his eyes comb over the crowd. He looks amazing in his suit and all I can think of is how badly I want to kiss him. His ocean blue eyes settle on me as he nears the altar. His eyes widen and he almost trips as he climbs the raised dais. I try to stifle my laughter as the boys seated on either side of me do the same.

"It's not Luke Hemmings if he doesn't trip at least once," Michael mutters under his breath, causing Ashton to break off into another fit of giggles.

Luke stands in his respective place by the altar, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. I notice that he purposefully does his best to avoid the gaze of his mother, who is seated in the front row. Instead, he locks eyes with me, as if I were his anchor of some sorts. I stick my tongue out at him, hoping to take his mind off his parents' presence. He smiles back.

The door opens again as Jack walks down the aisle, looking good in a tux of his own. His blond hair is swept to the side, styled with careful precision. He mounts the dais and stands next to Luke, giving his brother a nervous smile. Luke reaches out and pats Jack's shoulder reassuringly.

The music changes and the doors open again, this time for Celeste. She looks radiant in her beautifully crafted dress. Her father by her side, she begins to make her way down the aisle. We all rise to our feet as she passes, but it's like she doesn't even see us. She's fixated on Jack, a stupid, dreamy smile on her face. He's wearing the same smile, his eyes only for her. If I didn't know about how they went behind Luke's back to meet in secret, I would say they have a perfect love story.

We resume our seats as the ceremony begins to take place. But it's not necessarily the ceremony I'm worried about. No, I'm far more anxious about the reception. I notice the way the boys seated beside me, the rest of the Hoods and the Hemmings all change the way they hold themselves. Everyone's preparing for the war about to go down. 

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