Chapter 29

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The sun has long since set, the twinkling fairy lights and the flashing disco balls lighting everything up. I sip on the small flute of champagne Ashton pressed into my hands a few minutes ago. Trying to give him the space he asked for, me and the rest of the boys remain on the complete opposite side of the pavilion from Luke. I don't want to know what number the drink currently in his hands is. I don't want to know when he plans to stop, if ever. Judging by the glazed over look in his eyes, it's about to start getting interesting.

The dance floor is cleared as Jack and Celeste finally start swaying to a slow song. Liz has the strangest expression on her face as she looks back and forth between her middle son and her new daughter-in-law and her youngest son. I tense up as she gets to her feet, my grip on the glass in my hands tightening reflexively.

Michael follows her progress from his spot next to me, green eyes narrowing as she makes her way over to where Luke's camped out in the corner. Sighing heavily, he runs a hand through his dyed hair. "Oh, fuck," he mutters under his breath.

Silently, I hand him the rest of my champagne. He tips it back without hesitation, downing it in one gulp.

Liz says something to Luke that I can't make out and he scowls as he shoots something back. I grip the stone railing behind me tightly, my knuckles turning white with the effort. I know I promised that I would give Luke the space he so desperately wants, but if Liz does anything to upset him again, if she decides to attack him verbally or physically, I won't be able to stop myself from rushing over there. I'm positive the three other boys standing beside me would one hundred percent agree with me. They watch the exchange the same way I am, their gazes intently fixed on the situation at hand.

But there's no fireworks to watch in this case. I can tangibly feel them relax as Liz walks away from her son. The tension drains from my own body as I breathe a sigh of relief. But that doesn't seem like the end of our problems.

"Kat," Liz says as she approaches us. Michael steps forward so he's slightly in front of me, ready to protect me if need be. I swallow audibly as she comes to a stop just a few feet away from me, running through all the possible things she could say or do to me. But when she opens her mouth, none of those things are what comes out. "Take Luke home." Her tone is strangely stern and, well, motherly. "He's unbelievably drunk and if someone doesn't step in soon, he's going to do something dumb."

I nod solemnly and she turns away, heading over to Celeste's parents. Stepping around Michael, I cross the pavilion, the click of my heels against the marble filling my ears. The boys are right on my heels, using their long legs to match my quick pace.

Luke is staring off into space as he nurses the drink in his hand, taking small sips from the glass. He glances up when we approach, but he seems to look right through us.

"Luke?" I say quietly, setting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, it's time to go home."

He blinks rapidly, trying to focus on my face. "Kat?" he murmurs. After a split second, he giggles uncontrollably. "I like cats; they're so small and fuzzy." Luke tilts to the side as he continues to giggle like a three year old girl.

I dig my fingers sharply into his shoulder, attempting to bring back the more serious side of him that can focus on something for more than two seconds. "You have to get up," I say firmly.

He frowns. "I wanna stay here."

Calum steps forward grimly and hoists his friend to his feet. Luke stumbles as he's placed on his feet and I rush to support his other side. Leaning heavily on me and Cal, he slowly makes his way out of the pavilion. Celeste catches my eye as we're leaving and I wave goodbye to her, forcing a smile. I can only hope that what went down between Luke and his mother didn't ruin her wedding day completely.

Ashton mutters walks in front of us to make sure the path's clear, while Michael walks behind us to make sure that we don't let Luke fall. I tighten my grip around his waist when I feel him starting to slip.

Luke's head lolls to the side, resting against mine. His long dark blond lashes brush the tops of his cheekbones as he looks over at me. A faint smile curves his lips. "You look really pretty," he says. "You always look really pretty, but today you look extra pretty."

I blush as we cut through the grass to reach the parking lot faster. "Thanks," I mutter.

Ashton speeds up to reach the car faster, sliding in the driver's side and starting the engine. I pop open one of the backseat doors and slide in, bringing Luke with me. Calum helps me situate the drunk boy, carefully hopping in beside his friend. Satisfied that we don't need his assistance, Michael shuts the door behind us and goes around to the front seat next to Ash.

Reaching across Luke for the seat belt, I buckle it in place. I start to remove my arm from around his waist, but he grabs my hand and pulls it back around him. His blue eyes bore into mine as he mumbles, "Don't go."

I drop his gaze as I twist my fingers in his suit. He leans his head toward me, resting it on my shoulder. I can feel his warm breath on my neck, sending involuntary shivers down my spine. My legs tangle with his and I turn my head slightly towards him. His nose brushes my cheek, his ocean eyes watching me carefully. Luke slowly reaches a hand up to tuck a stray strand of hair that had fallen out of my braid crown behind my ear. His touch is gentle and another shudder goes through my body.

"You should go to sleep," I whisper.

He frowns. "No. Because when I wake up, you're not going to be here."

A sharp pang of sympathy hits me. Trying for a smile, I run my fingers through his blond hair. "I promise I'll be here when you wake up. Now, go to sleep."

Satisfied, he leans his head back down and closes his eyes. Within seconds his breathing evens out and he's passed out. I glance up and meet Calum's gaze over Luke's head. His brow is furrowed, his brown eyes narrowed.

"What?" I ask.

He shrugs, loosening the tie around his neck. "He's not usually this calm when he's drunk. When he's sober, he does his best to keep his temper in check, but when he's intoxicated, he goes off at most anything. I'm just not used to it being so easy to get him to go home and sleep." A faint smile tugs the edges of Cal's lips upward. "I guess you're just special."

I duck my head, blushing. Frowning, I notice that somehow my hand is intertwined with Luke's on my lap. The sound of his even breathing in my ear, I lean my head against his and watch the world flash by outside the window. 

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