4. Gangs of Chicago

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Justin's POV

I circled Keegan once, twice, three times before I lunged, taking him down with me. We hit the mat with a thud that echoed off of the walls in the health club.

Finn was lifting weights on the other side of the room while other people milled around, not really working out. The only thing that mattered right now was Keegan, under my forearm.

He quickly threw me off of him and I rolled over before hopping back up.

"You're getting old Keegan." I played with him, knowing it would piss him off.

"Shut up and fight." He threw himself at me, taking me down by the waist as he laid punch after punch on my body. Since I had my shirt off, my skin was the only thing absorbing the blows.

We Bieber men had a strict regiment when it came to working out partly because we needed to stay in shape but also because we had so much pent up testosterone, it was kind of a necessity.

"Come on Justin, pick up the pace." Keegan taunted me as he laid his fists into my chest.

I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around his neck before pulling him down to my level. He let out an animalistic grunt and I flipped us over so that I was pinning him down.

"Hey, cavemen! I'm hungry." Finn tried to pull me off of Keegan but I wasn't letting go easily. It took a couple of rough tugs before I got up, breathing heavily and wiping the blood from my lip.

"Just give me five more minutes with you," Keegan spoke as he got off of the floor.

"You two always take it too far. Look at this." Finn hit my chest where a huge, purple bruise was developing.

"What can I say? I fight to win." I shrugged as my breathing calmed down.

"That was a good workout." Keegan held out his hand and I shook before he wrapped his huge arm around my neck in a chokehold.

Finn eventually gave up, throwing his hands in the air and walked off to get his bag. Once Keegan let me go, I followed. I put on my shirt and we sauntered out of the gym.

"I think Dad wants us at the house," I said as I read through the text messages on my phone.

"Now?" Keegan groaned.

"You don't have anything better to do."

"I do so. Bridget and I were going to the lake. I guess we'll have to reschedule."

"What is with you? How can you have one woman?" I asked, really wanting to know because it all seemed so out of bounds for me.

"She's what I want. It's not that hard Justin. Just look at Mom and Dad." He explained, "They've been together forever."

"Yeah but Dad's always been a little soft," I said.

"I'm not soft." Keegan defended himself, "I just don't see the need to run around town, trying to get pussy on every corner. Bridget is more than enough for me."

"If you say she completes you, I'm taking away your man card." I laughed.

"It's true. I've never felt this way with any girl...ever and you know I've been through hundreds. I've tried relationships before but this is different. I think she's the one." He said and even I could see the light in his eyes. It made me sick.

"I hope I never have to hear those words coming from your mouth again." Finn shivered.

"You'll both know what I'm talking about soon." Keegan threw his arms over both of us as we approached the parking lot, "I can feel it. I need to get my brothers respectable women."

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