14. La Pura Verita

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Justin's POV

For the first time in nearly ten years, I had slept.

I didn't even know what was really going on in my subconscious the whole time my eyes were closed but for some reason, my mind and body were both shut down at the same time. That never happened and it certainly didn't happen anymore now that I was in this business of crime.

As my brain started to come back from a dream state that was so deep, I didn't see anything but black, I suddenly realized that I had just experienced the most intense sexual experience of my life and that was saying something.

It was just one time and it was enough to make me forget any pain or any idea of the outside world. I could usually fuck all night but with Maddie, I was so worn out, I almost couldn't even stand up. Of course, I played it off but I was seriously considering going to the doctor last night because my whole body was shocked into a state that I had never felt before. One time and I was done? What the hell was up with that?

Maddie made no sense to me and as much as I wanted to appear like I knew what was going on, nothing was going according to plan when it came to her.

Even in my sleep, I could tell that one fuck wasn't enough. I needed more, I craved more, I wanted more. As much as I wanted this to be like every other time, it wasn't.

Usually, I just fucked and then dropped. It took once before I was able to bounce back and get on with my life. Girls never stayed in my head, they never took over my dreams, they never tried to bore their way into my brain. Well, some of them did but I never let them get past my mental barriers. With Maddie, it was all different.

My body felt like it was still a parched man in the desert and I could have drunk five gallons of water, but I was still able to feel the pain of a dry throat. I had to have more of her.

I didn't know what exactly I was going to do about her but I was going to fuck until I couldn't anymore because I had to get her out of my system.

If I had to keep her tied up and play a sub/dom game, then that's what I was going to do. Damn it, I wasn't going to let her beat me but at this point, I don't think I was playing games anymore. Maddie seemed too special to play with and treat like this was all some kind of trivial pursuit.

That being said, last night was one of the most sensual and...natural experiences of my life. I was used to having sex just to feel good but with Maddie, it was different.

I invited her up and didn't immediately jump into bed with her. I wasn't even really thinking that far as I watched her walk around my penthouse. I don't think I had ever even wasted time showing a woman around my apartment before. Most of it was because I didn't want people touching things in my house but another part of it was that I didn't really care once the panties were dropped.

With Maddie, I wanted to take my time. I felt like I should take my time, more time than I already was.

I didn't feel right with just laying her down on my bed and having my way. It didn't seem appropriate. She deserved more so I tried to take a breath before I went straight into the sex portion of the night. Unfortunately, my libido had other plans and I blurted out some pretty inappropriate things when we were sitting on the balcony but before that, I was doing well.

I played some music, granted it was Prince but it was on my shuffle. I brought her some brandy and just let the night progress as it might. She was the one who initiated coming up and if she hadn't pushed, I would have been happy to just take her back to her dorm. Once she was in my house, I couldn't help myself.

I had to have her under me or I was about to explode. Just sitting next to Maddie without touching her was torture so I took my chance but I didn't want this to end like any other fuck that had occurred throughout my life.

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