10. Jungle Chase

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Justin's POV

"Is something wrong Justin?" Kennedy asked me from across the table as we sat in the back of Carmel.

I didn't feel like answering her so I just kept taping my chopstick on the table.

It had been about an hour since Maddie left with that fucking dude and I was about to go crazy. What were they doing? Was he touching her? Were they fucking in the back of some car?

I don't know why she had such a hold on me but it was starting to get annoying.

Tonight started out to be the perfect night. I had actually grown the balls to call up Kennedy and ask her to dinner. It wasn't a date type of thing but exactly the opposite. I wanted to let her know that whatever she and I used to have, was completely over. The best way to let her down easy was to take her out to dinner so she couldn't make a scene like I knew she wanted. If I kept her calm, her craziness wouldn't be able to come out in public.

I had come into Carmel with the intentions of just talking to Kennedy about ending our casual sex relationship that she somehow thought was still on but she was mistaken in the worse way. I guess she had a misshapen idea of what "sex" meant but that was okay because I wasn't planning on seeing her after tonight.

I put on my game face and was very stern with her because Kennedy was basically a child that I had to scold. She didn't take it very well and started with the whole fake crying thing but I wasn't going to be fooled. Everything was going fine until that damned, spicy tuna roll suddenly landed on my table, right in between Kennedy and I. She took that moment to go to the bathroom and I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on with this sushi that just plopped down in front of me.

I tried to tell the lady behind me that it was hers but she kept insisting that it wasn't. As soon as I heard the voice, I knew who it was. It was the voice that had been traveling in my head for the past week.

She was here!

I was surprised, to say the least, and was kind of mad. I wasn't prepared to see Maddie right now but I would just have to improvise.

Once again, I tried all my moves but they still didn't work. It was like she had some kind of boundary up that was blocking me. That only made me more determined to get her. I slipped my business card into Maddie's hand before she and that fucker left. I kept my cool while they were still here, but once they left, my pretenses fell.

I was agitated and annoyed.

What was so good about that douche that she would entertain him but not me? I looked ten times better than he did and I knew I was about a billion dollars richer. Why was she here with him? Is that what she likes? Scrawny college kids with acne and greasy hair? Maddie obviously had some kind of mental issue that was preventing her from seeing that I was the one who should be taking her home tonight.

"Justin, look, I know you don't really like me but I feel this connection to you. I like having sex with you and I'm going to miss you. Don't push me away." Kennedy said pathetically.

"Why are you still here?" I asked, letting the acid drip from my voice.

"I don't know. You never treated me right, Justin. I hate that you just use me." She crossed her arms.

"Kennedy, I told you that I just wanted sex and you still seem to think that you can change me. I'm not going to change for you or anyone for that matter. I don't want a relationship." I said slowly.

"I know, but...do we have to stop..." She moved her foot under the table so that it was positioned right in my crotch.

I grabbed her shoe and pushed it back down on the floor, "I have to stop with you because you can't seem to understand what I'm saying."

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