17. Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory

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Maddie's POV

Just like many mornings before, I was woken up by a sharp knocking at my door. To be more correct, it was a loud banging so I already knew who it was.

"Olivia, go away," I yelled and covered my head with my pillow.

"No, let me in."

"I mean it, Olivia!" I looked at the clock and saw that it was six fucking thirty in the morning.

There was no way in hell I was getting up this early, especially on a Sunday. She must not know me because nothing in our past history suggested that I would ever wake up at this time.

Justin had left me last night around five and since then, I had been studying. I needed to nearly bury my head in books because I had wasted so much time with him over the past two days, not that I was complaining.

Things seemed to happen so fast with us and I didn't really know what to think about what we were starting but I decided to just ride with it.

Yesterday, we were suddenly declaring ourselves. I was so glad that he wasn't mad or annoyed with me for leaving. I debated with myself whether this was right or not but I couldn't deny the fact that I had fallen hard for this man who seemed to take over my life. He was in my dreams, in my thoughts and now I had him emotionally, physically, every way possible.

He was mine.

I was through playing games because to be honest, I couldn't stop the feelings that were coursing through my body at this point. I was putting myself out there for better or for worse. If I got hurt, I got hurt but I was going to take that chance because I had to be with Justin. It wasn't an option.

The good thing about all of this was that I felt Justin wasn't playing games anymore, just like me. We were done and I cursed myself for wasting so much time trying to take him down when I could have been just enjoying what we had together. I could see it in his eyes that he truly cared for me, how much, I didn't know just yet but I was going to find out. I couldn't go back now.

Olivia's thunderous pounding brought me back to reality, "Maddie, I mean it. We don't have time for you to sleep in."

"And why not?"

"Because, we have to go to church."

Say what now?

I sat up in bed out of pure curiosity. I looked around the room to make sure that I wasn't in some alternate universe. I was still in the same surroundings as usual except for the fact that I had some demon banging on my door.

I got out of bed like I was a zombie and trudged over to the door to let Olivia in. I poked my head out, "What did you say?" I looked her up and down. She was in pajamas and bunny slippers.

"I said, we're going to church." She pushed her way into the room and pulled a gigantic clothing rack behind her. There must have been ten or fifteen outfits all in garment bags that hung from hangers along the metal bar. It was on rollers so Olivia didn't have any trouble maneuvering the thing.

"What the hell is all of this?" I asked and shut the door, making sure no one saw her.

"Justin had me get you a whole bunch of stuff." She plopped down on the bed, "Did you know they all have black cards? Oh God, I was dying..."

"Wait, what? Justin had you get me stuff?" I repeated her words.

"Uh...yeah." Olivia spoke like it was obvious, "You didn't think you could be Justin's special friend and stay out of church, did you?"

"Special friend?"

"That's the word he used when I asked, being nosy as usual. He didn't want to use the word 'girlfriend' but I knew what he meant."

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