47. Epilogue 2 - Always and Forever

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Maddie's POV

One year later

"Madeleine Fell," there was a knock on my door, "it's time to check out. The ink on all the papers is dry."

"All packed and ready." I threw my backpack over my shoulder, which consisted of nothing more than a couple of books. I reveled in the feeling of jeans on my body after two years in an ugly, gray jumpsuit.

"We sure are going to miss you around here." The guard led me down the hall, away from the room that had been my sanctuary for my time here. "You were the only one who was actually nice."

"I'm going to miss you guys too," I lied.

"What are you going to do now that you're a free woman?"

"I honestly have no idea."

I didn't know what was available at the moment. I had no job prospects and no money whatsoever. Thankfully, I wasn't completely down and out. I had gotten the chance to complete my upper education while in lockup. I filled my time with courses and finished a couple of years of schooling easily within just two. I now had a degree in literature, which didn't really help me in the real world, but at least it was something. Still, I was fucked big time. I just wanted to make it outside, and then I would take it from there.

"Just make sure you stay away from that family. They're no good for you," he warned.

"I'll try," I lied again. The Biebers were the only family that I had left. I was still pissed at them somewhat, and I had a few things to say before everything was peaches and roses again. I didn't think we would ever truly get back there, though.

"Okay, well, this is where I leave you. Have fun." He waved to me and turned back around.

I went inside a room with a singular table and sat in one of the two chairs to wait. This was usually the place where you came to get your stuff when they let you leave. When I was arrested, I didn't have anything, so I didn't particularly know what I was doing here. Couldn't they just let me go already?

I checked the watch on my wrist—Justin's massive watch—and a small smile crept onto my lips at the thought of him wearing it. I put my arm down when it started to become heavy from looking at the timepiece for too long.

I didn't cry anymore, over Justin or our child. I didn't have any more tears to give. The past year had been rough. I had cried myself dry, and I was surprised that my eyes hadn't fallen out. Now it didn't matter how I felt about him anymore; he was gone and would never hear it. I loved and I cared for Justin, although, I was still mad as hell. If only I had one last chance to at least talk to him. I never got that closure, which I desperately longed for.

He was gone, and he was never coming back.

Over the past eight months, things began to surface about Justin's death that made it sound like a bloodbath. It was all Aro's doing. He'd heard of Justin's return and took it upon himself to get vengeance for his sons. In the papers, Justin was revered and seen as more of a hero, which I was happy about. His name wasn't slandered, and I didn't have to read about all the bad things he had done. I gathered almost every article I could get my hands on, because I just wanted to read about him. It was the only way I could feel close to him again.

The flowers stopped coming—just another reminder that Justin was gone—and the family visits became fewer, but I still saw Pattie from time to time. She looked nothing like her old self. I had never seen her in distress and after Justin died, she just looked sick. It was as if the life had been sucked out of her. Jeremy was almost the same way but hid it well. The family was just now getting over everything, although, as I heard, their standing in the underground world hadn't diminished one bit. They were still feared and still on top, which I assume irked Aro immensely.

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