25. Inferno

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Justin's POV

I ran my hand along Maddie's naked back as we lay in my bed.

We hadn't done anything tonight besides a lot of heavy kissing but I felt exhausted.

The November air was whipping around outside but in here, it was warm and toasty. For some reason, my body was extremely turned on by Maddie at the moment and I had a suspicion as to what it was.

Earlier in the week, Maddie showed off her stuff at the shooting range and it was the first time I saw her holding a gun with such authority. She was powerful and sexy without knowing what to do but it was hard to just watch her while I stood behind and guided the bullet out of the pistol.

That was three days ago and my dick felt like it had been permanently hard since then. I didn't want to jump her unexpectedly but it was painful to live through this. Maybe I was masochistic but I actually didn't want to have sex with Maddie, if that makes any sense. I wanted to see how long she could hold my attention without it being physical.

So far, I had barely thought about fucking her minus the hard-on in my pants at all hours of the day but as soon as I was in her presence, I just wanted to hear her speak or laugh. It was strange, but at this point, I was just ready to throw in the towel. I had learned that my life with Maddie was something I hadn't experienced. I was going to have to get over it.

I realized that I could do this. I could have a girlfriend and treat her right, even if I wasn't so much of a saint. With Maddie, I didn't think of her as a girlfriend though. What should I call her?

We hadn't reached the point of soul mates and I didn't even know what that meant. I knew that I loved Maddie even though I didn't say it in so many words so maybe she was my...

I was so confused. I felt like I'd known this woman for my entire life. We just meshed together perfectly on all levels without even trying.

"Why the long face?" Maddie lifted her head up to look at me and rested her chin so that we could see each other.

"Nothing, just thinking" I sighed.

She nodded, "You'll give yourself gray hairs."

"Don't joke about that." I combed my hands through my locks, looking for jumpers, "We all can't be young whippersnappers like you."

"I know but I like 'em old." She kissed my chest, "Soccer dad old."

"I'm not that bad."

"Still, it's kind of hot."

"At least I can drink." I joked because I knew that pissed her off. She huffed and stayed silent.

We were quiet for a few minutes, just breathing in each other and not trying to rush things. This is the time with her that I valued most. We were alone and not really trying to do anything but feel our bodies together.

"Can I get a book from the library?" She asked with a slight enthusiasm in her voice.

"You don't ever have to ask." I kissed her shortly.

Maddie giddily pulled on some of my boxers and my undershirt, looking incredibly sexy, before bouncing out of the room.

I lied back down and let my head sink into the puffy pillows. My cell phone on the nightstand rang but I wasn't planning on getting it. I didn't want to move.

I let the phone ring until it stopped completely but the shrill sound was back a couple of seconds later.

I groaned, picking up the phone, "Bieber."

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