40. Marine Biology

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Maddie's POV

I lightly chopped the carrot on the cutting board and the boat swayed again, causing my head to do a little flip.

"Damn it." I steadied myself against the counter.

I had never really been subject to seasickness with Freddie basically living on fishing boats, but I was suddenly feeling every roll of each wave. This damned boat was going to be the death of me.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Justin asked from the table.

"No, I'm fine." I continued with my chopping. When the carrots were done, I put them in the boiling pot on the stove.

"What are we having again?"

"Vegetable stew," I answered and stirred the soup that was bubbling away.

"Does it have flavor?" Justin grumbled.

"I don't know why you act like I don't season stuff. Everything doesn't need buttloads of salt."

"Yes, it does. Salt makes everything better."

"So says the man who had a heart attack."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Speaking of which, have you taken your medicine today?"


I put the top on the pot and went to go sit next to him on the chaise lounge, which was on the deck outside.

Capriccio was docked and bobbing in the water, and the sun was beaming. Justin and I were the only ones here right now. Olivia and Finn went shopping, Bridget and Keegan went to the beach, and Jaxon met up with Jane, who happened to live around here. He had been absent since the day we arrived. He called her, and that was the last we saw of him. I was hoping that he knew when we left, or he might just stay here. But that wasn't for another couple of days.

At first, I didn't know about this trip. Justin was still in remission, and I wanted to make sure that he was okay, but I was glad that he dragged us all here. We were pretty wound up. I had basically pushed spring break out of my mind, but this was surprisingly relaxing.

All we did was sit on the boat and read or... do nothing. Justin didn't like sand, so we never went to the beach, but I was alright with that as long as he was relaxing and having a good time. I tried to back off of him a little. I began to realize that I was acting like his mother and not his girlfriend. I kept a close eye but didn't hound him as much when he didn't take his medicine or wasn't getting enough sleep.

Capriccio hadn't been out on the water yet because Justin wasn't up to it, but Keegan said he would take us out later. As for now, we stayed docked next to the hundreds of other boats that lived in Miami harbor.

"What are you doing?" I sat on the plush sofa next to him as he typed furiously on his laptop.

"Shopping." He turned it towards me.

"Armani, of course." I looked at the screen, which had posh-looking suits and shiny shoes.

"I need new clothes."

"You always need new clothes." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Well, I can't go out looking like a bum."

"I like you when you're bumming it," I laughed, "You're all scruffy and rugged."

"I have to look professional to get the job done."

"That won't be a problem since you won't be working for a very long time."

"But, I'm bored. All I ever do is sit."

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