38. The Old Man and the Wheelchair

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Maddie's POV

I was frantically breathing in the elevator as I rode upwards towards the sixth floor. My head was about to explode, and I almost couldn't take the suspense. I seemed to be going slower and slower... when all I wanted to do was hurry this process up.

When the doors finally dinged open, I raced through the illuminated halls of Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

I almost tripped over myself at the desk. Since it was so early in the morning, there was barely anyone around.

"Hello." I tapped my hand in front of the nurse who was reading a fashion magazine.

"Welcome to Northwestern Memorial Hospital," she said robotically. "This is the Intensive Care Unit. We specialize in intensive care. If you are not supposed to be here, please let me know, and I can direct you to where you need to go." She didn't even look up from her magazine.

"I'm supposed to be here. I'm looking for Justin Bieber. Do you know where his room is?" I was out of breath and frustrated.

"Are you family?" She popped some gum.

"No, but his father called..."

"I'm sorry. You can't get in unless you're family." She finally raised her head and gave me an annoyed look.

"Right, I understand that, but I need to see him."

"You can't be let in," she said pointedly.

"His father called me from this hospital. I'm a fucking student here. Please..." I begged.

"No, you can't be let in and I don't think we even have a Justin Bieber here. I've been at this spot all night, and no one new has come in."

"Just check."

She popped her gum again without moving. "I'm not wasting my time. He's not here."

I leaned over the desk but made sure to keep my hands away from her because I was about to slap this bitch. "I need you to check your records again because he's here, and I'm not leaving until I see him."

"He's not here," she insisted. "Do I have to call security?"

"Probably." I went around the desk and pushed her rolling chair out of the way. I had no idea what I was looking for on the computer, but that didn't stop me from typing on it furiously.

"Excuse me. Are you insane? Did you escape from the twelfth floor or something?" She elbowed me, but I wasn't budging.

"I told you why I was here and you refuse to let me see him."

She was on the phone in a second, talking very loudly to who I assumed to be someone from security. That only made me type faster.

"You're insane." She pushed me again. This time it was too hard for me to stay upright, and I stumbled away from the computer.

"Which room is he in?" I was almost at screaming level.

I didn't know what was wrong because Jeremy wouldn't tell me over the phone, but I guessed it was something serious. Justin was in a fucking hospital. He would never go to the hospital consciously. This would have been so much easier if I had brought my phone, but I ran out of the house so quickly that I forgot it. I didn't know Jeremy's number by heart.

''There is a certain way of doing things and you have to follow protocol. Your Justin isn't here," she sneered.

"Is everything alright, Maureen?" A nurse poked her head out from behind a corner.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"No, can you tell me where Justin Bieber is?" I asked the new nurse. "She can't seem to do anything."

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