13. Power, Pleasure, and Pain

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Maddie's POV

Justin held the door for me and my heels clicked on the sleek marble of the lobby.

"So...you own all of this?" I asked and looked up at the high ceilings that had chandeliers hanging from them. The lights bounced off of the crystal and created odd shadows on the cream walls.

"One of my many buildings," He gloated like he had been all night but that was Justin. Nothing about him was done halfway and that included the way he spoke about himself.

I found out that if he wasn't trying to impress me, he was actually quite charming. He would always have some sort of arrogance about him but as the night had gone on, it went from narcissism to more confidence. It sounded to me like Justin just had a very high view of himself and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Throughout the night, I had become more and more drawn to this man as his eyes pulled me in. There was no fighting him and I was surprised that I had lasted this long.

All this week, he had taken me out to dinner, brought me lunch at school and even let me read to him as we sat in the grass. That was the day that I cracked the shell of fake Justin Bieber. I was able to see the man behind all of the money and cars and apartments. He let me read to him while he closed his eyes and just listened. I peeked at him over the brim of my book.

It was the first time that I had seen Justin where he looked relaxed. He wasn't trying to impress me or make some grand gesture to show me how caring he was. The funny thing about all of this was that I knew he was just playing until he got me into bed but I would let him. There was no way to stop him from taking me over.

That day where he first brought me lunch, I could see the true Justin and I liked what I saw. He was calm, tranquil, his face looked ten years younger and I think I detected a hint of a true smile on more than one occasion. Usually, his face was so covered in figurative blood that it caused a mask, hiding everything but he shed it for me. I knew it was just a ploy but he went out of his way to show me a glimpse of a man I didn't think anyone had ever seen.

That was the day I fell for Justin.

I didn't know what it was at first and I was trying to figure it out all through dinner tonight but as we sat there, I realized that I was infatuated by this man. My connection to him wasn't just physical and emotional, my feelings were showing their true colors. I didn't know if it was love but I was certainly more smitten with him than I wanted to admit.

Did people still even use the word smitten?

I hated to think that tonight was going to be the last night that I would see Justin but that was the way it had to be. Justin wasn't a man who fell in love and he definitely didn't have girlfriends so where did that leave me? I was a girl who had fallen for a man who was basically set in stone. He wasn't going to change for me and there was no use trying.

I had to put on a game face throughout dinner because I knew tonight was going to be the last time I could see him before he broke me. What would happen if I let him lead me on and then he just dropped me? That would leave me devastated and I wasn't in any position to feel this way over a guy I just met three weeks ago. I had to pull myself together and just fuck him before I slipped out in the night like a bandit.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I realized that I was doing to him like he did to countless other girls but I couldn't get attached to him any further. Justin would hurt me if I didn't end whatever we had right now. I guess you could call it casual dating but even that was a stretch for him.

I knew what was going to happen.

I already had the emotions going through me so it was obvious that I liked him more than a friend. Tonight, we would have sex and then come tomorrow, Justin would act like he didn't even know me. If I let that happen, I would end up turning into every whiny, emotional girl out there. I would cry over him, I would ask myself 'why?' over him, I would want to know if it was something I did and I couldn't let that happen. I had shed my tears for boys in high school. I was over that so tonight, I was going to be the one breaking hearts...if Justin had one.

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