27. Poison

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Justin's POV

I sat on the private plane that was currently grounded in Boston due to weather and checked my watch for what felt like the millionth time since I woke up.

"I thought the purpose of having our own plane was so that we didn't have to abide by regulations," I muttered to my father in the seat next to me.

"I can't control the weather, son," he replied without lifting his head from his paper. "I've tried though."

"Very funny. Can't you just tell them to go?" I sat back in my chair with a frustrated sigh.

"No, I can't. I want to make it back home alive."


I looked outside. The rain was pouring down in buckets. I didn't understand why we couldn't just go up in the air, but the pilot said something about freezing water or some nonsense like that. I didn't care.

It was currently early Sunday morning, only two days since we left Chicago and luckily, we could get back home early. Or that was the plan at least. On the plane with me were Jeremy, Keegan, Finn, Jaxon, and a whole slew of bodyguards that were always hanging around nowadays. I think my father wanted to start moving them out into the open because things were starting to get dangerous. We could all feel it.

The whole reason that we were in Boston in the first place was to oversee a large arms shipment that was supposed to be delivered to England. Even though Jeremy had hundreds of men working for him, he always made sure that we were there to monitor big jobs. He said that people's fingers got sticky when no one was watching. The shipment went out a day early, leaving us time to get back to Chicago without any problems.

I checked my watch again and noticed that it was seven in Boston, which meant it was six in Chicago. Maddie would be getting up soon for church. I desperately wanted to call her, but I refrained. I would see her soon anyway... if this plane ever got off the fucking ground.

"This is ridiculous." I crossed my arms like a petulant child.

"Shut up and stop whining," Finn groaned across from me, keeping his eyes shut.

"No, I want to go home. I'm pretty sure I could fly this thing." I made a move to get up, but Jeremy pushed me back down.

"You're not going anywhere. We'll move when we can, Justin. What is with you?" He took off his glasses like he was concerned.

"I don't know." I combed a hand through my hair. I had this weird feeling that had been growing ever since I left Maddie. It got stronger as the hours passed; I couldn't explain it.

Benny was supposedly keeping a close eye on her. I still ordered him to stay back, because I knew Maddie wasn't comfortable with the idea of bodyguards yet. Their job was to make sure that she didn't get into anything she wasn't supposed to. I didn't want them poking around in her life or tapping her phone records, and other things like that because I didn't want to cross a line. If she wanted to have a night out with friends, then she was allowed to. Obviously; I couldn't make Maddie do anything if I tried. The OCD in me wanted to control everything about her life down to the second, but that was far from possible with Maddie. As much as I hated to give her space when I felt possible threats near, I understood. But Benny would be watching.

I wasn't her warden, so I tried to keep out of her normal life. She needed some kind of regularity without me breathing down her neck. That's why I didn't do background checks on her school mates or anything intrusive. As long as no one harmed her physically, then I was alright. Benny sat outside of Maddie's dorm at night to watch the place.

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