5. Plasma and Transfusions

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Maddie's POV

A sharp knock on my bedroom door jolted me awake like an eighteen wheeler blasting through my head.

"Maddie, time to wake up!" I heard Olivia's voice on the other side of the door but I wasn't planning on waking up. The clock next to my bed flashed seven a.m.

"Go away, Olivia. I'm trying to sleep." I shouted.

"I will start screaming in this hallway and wake everyone up. They'll be really mad at you."

"Go ahead. I don't care." I rolled over and put the pillow on top of my head.

"Maddie..." She whined.

"Why are you waking me up so early? It's only seven."

"It's your birthday. You can't sleep in all day."

"Yes, I can."

Yes, today was my eighteenth birthday but I in no way wanted to celebrate it. There was no reason to really. It was a milestone I guess but my mother had been screaming her praises over the phone for the past three days so I was all tired out.

There was a swift movement and the door flew open. I peeked over my pillow to see a very commanding Olivia standing with her hands on her hips and pout like a bulldog.

"How the hell did you get in my room?" I sat up, wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

"I made friends with the RA." She flashed a key at me before putting it in her purse.

"Go away!" I laid back down.

She jumped on the bed, causing it to shake vigorously.

"Happy birthday Maddie! Wakey, wakey!"

"Okay, okay. Just get off of me." I groaned.

Over the past three days, I had found that Olivia was a morning person. Correction, Olivia was an all day person but the early morning provided her with renewed energy so she was super hyper until around lunch when the liveliness began to wane although it never truly ran out.

School didn't start until Monday and it was now Saturday, so Olivia and I had some time to relax after the crazy orientation we just finished, which was interesting, to say the least.

I had found that there were a lot of people in the same boat as me who didn't know what they wanted to do with their lives but unlike me, they had an unlimited amount of money and time to figure it out. I was thinking maybe something in the business filed, which didn't particularly interest me but Northwestern was known for their business school so I was planning on taking full advantage of the curriculum.

Olivia was a really nice person, genuinely nice and I was surprised at how well we meshed together. She had claimed me as her best friend about an hour after we met. I was still putting off her shopping trip of torture but she was hinting at it.

I called Freddie a couple of times since being here and could tell from the tone of his voice that he had been living off of pizza since I left. I tried to tell him to eat more vegetables but he was being stubborn and said he was fine.

I got my classes set up, met lots of new people but most of my time was spent with Olivia who had made it her personal responsibility to show me around Chicago.

"Come on Maddie. I bought you a gift." Olivia bounded up and down.

"Just give it to me." I sat up so I didn't have to subject my stomach to more pounding.

"Okay, are you ready?" She held up her hands to build suspense, "It's a shopping trip. Aren't you excited?"

"Yay," I replied sarcastically with an eye roll.

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