6. Directly from Venus

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Justin's POV

I rolled the hundred dollar bill into a tight cylinder. I gazed at the gorgeous blonde lying naked on the table in front of me with a line of coke in between her amazing tits.

"Are you nervous, Justin?" She adjusted herself on the wood of the desk so that her legs spread open for me.

"Shut up." I snapped, "I didn't bring you up here to talk." I leaned my head down and snorted the coke perfectly through my nose and as soon as it entered my bloodstream, I continued on my high.

The bass of the music downstairs was pounding, only adding to the incredible sensations going through my body. I was on the top floor of Plasma on our famous glow-in-the-dark night that always brought out the hotties. Busty babes with fantastic asses and deep throats were overflowing from the club. I was in heaven.

Finn was probably also getting his fill of lovin' somewhere on the first floor where he hunted the female specimens like he was on safari. Keegan and Bridget were probably fucking in his office while his hand was on her ass but I didn't judge.

The current "friend" lying on the table in my fourth-floor office, didn't have a name that came to my mind. No, correction. Her name was Big Tits and she was fantastic. I found her the second I walked into the club late this afternoon and I think she was some kind of new waitress that Finn had hired to keep the international businessmen happy. In any case, I snatched her right up.

Even though this was Finn's club, all three of us had offices here on the fourth floor, hidden from the wandering eyes of those below. Some of the men in suits, who were dancing with the hot women that we provided, were our biggest contacts in some of the shadiest businesses around the world.

I had only come in today to check over a large shipment of ivory tusks that were going on a boat ride to Brazil in the morning. I had to make sure that everything was there and all was accounted for because Brazilians didn't play when it came to their illegal poaching. I know that sounds stupid but the Bieber's were more than just mobsters. We dealt with everything...and I mean everything.

I didn't even make it upstairs before I saw Big Tits and my night plans were immediately changed. It took one crooked grin and she was a puddle in my hands. I took her upstairs and we basically fucked until my dick fell off. We had stopped two hours ago when I needed a recharge, which consisted of cocaine and some of Finn's damn Blue Mountain beverage. I didn't do fruity drinks but that shit was surprisingly good. I would never tell him that though.

"Are you ready for another round?" Big Tits called my attention back to her naked body by running her finger from her mouth, in between her breasts, over her stomach, and down between her legs.

"I'll watch." I leaned back in my leather chair as I smoked a Cuban in nothing but my boxers.

I watched as Big Tits dove her finger into her pussy and began arching her back as she pumped in and out. At a steady rhythm, I gazed with a hard dick as she continued to writhe on my desk, the papers on Brazilians forgotten and the trunk of tusks in the basement nothing more than a memory.

The high from the cocaine mixed with alcohol and the fumes from my Cuban was doing strange things to my body but I was coherent. I was always coherent. I made sure of it because if I wasn't, bad things could happen. I never liked it when people had the upper hand. If I lost control of my senses, I wouldn't be in control anymore. I always stopped myself just before I went over the line. Only I got to taste the supreme coke. Big Tits didn't get a chance to try the pure, white, stock that I kept in the vault behind the family picture in my office.

I know, cliché but it works.

No one got to try the good stuff unless they paid for it. She was just some girl who looked nice. She didn't pay for shit so she was currently lucid. The only problem with that was she talked too much.

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