19. Strategy for the Demise

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Officer Robert Brown sat back in his swivel chair and gripped his hair.

The Chicago Police Department's offices were closed, only the night maids were up at this hour. He had been going through his files for the past six hours, not moving, not eating, not sleeping.

The Biebers were providing more of a problem than he ever thought possible. It was so hard to even think about what they were up to because they always stayed two steps ahead of the police. It was impossible to catch these fuckers. Who the hell were they?

The thing about Officer Robert Brown was that the more the Biebers outsmarted him, the more he was determined to catch them at their own game. He took his job seriously and didn't put up with bullshit, including the infamous Biebers.

Brown would have given up by now if he was any lesser man. He never gave up on a challenge.

Robert sighed a heavy sigh and sat up in his seat, taking a huge gulp of coffee.

"This shouldn't be that hard." He groaned, "I'm better than them."

It wasn't the fact that the Biebers were innocent but Brown didn't want to arrest Jeremy for tax evasion, Justin for a speeding ticket or Keegan on a morals charge. He was going for the big guns. Extortion, drugs, guns, illegal money laundering, murder; there was a list as long as the Chicago River but somehow nothing ever stuck.

Jeremy was clean. He never left tracks and his sons followed in his pristine record.

Brown thought back through his memory at what he was doing wrong. Why couldn't he catch them?

It was inconceivable that someone could be totally infallible. Even the Pope had some form of sin in him but if you looked at a Bieber's record, you would have never known that they were carrying any baggage. It was like they were clean, without a smudge on them.

While Jeremy was the leader and Keegan was the muscle and Finn was the charmer, Justin was the second-in-command, the man in the most valuable position.

Who would take over when the father stepped down? Who would rise to become the boss? Who would everyone else answer to? Who would be the man in charge?


That was who Brown was after. Maybe it was because they were around the same age, maybe it was because they had similar goals of superiority, or maybe it was the simple fact that Justin had taunted him for years but Robert Brown wasn't giving up until he had the second-in-command, in handcuffs.

An arrest of Justin Bieber would be an immediate career boost and on top of it all, Brown would be able to put his nemesis away for life.

The only problem was that Justin had a brain on him that rivaled any mathematician or Rhodes Scholar out there. It was shameful at how easily he could elude the law and still be living to tell his sorted tale.

"Hey, Boss." Daniel Flick walked into the office with a bag full of amazing smelling sandwiches, "I got you the regular pastrami on rye." He sat down and propped his feet up on the desk.

"I can't eat right now." Brown grunted, "I'm so pissed at myself."

"Why, what happened now?" Flick took a huge bite out of his meatball sub.

"I've been going over this shit for the past two weeks and I don't even think I've made a dent in these files." He pounded his fists on the desk.

"Oh come on. You can't beat yourself up over this thing. The Biebers are untouchable."

Brown glared at his deputy, "That's why no one's caught them yet. People think that they can get away with what they want..."

"I didn't mean anything by it but you've just got to wait for them to fuck themselves over."

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