23. The Definition of Range and Love

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Justin's POV

I leaned my head against the tile of the shower as I let the hot water glide over my body.

It had been a rough night and I was just getting in.

After I dropped Maddie off at her dorm, I was running on rage and tracked James down like the fucker he was. I didn't know what was wrong with me but after my father told me what happened at the baseball game, I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I had to literally down a whole bottle of anxiety so that I didn't massacre everyone around me.

Even though I didn't see the interaction between James and Maddie last night, just the images going through my head were enough to set me off. His hand gripping, squeezing, pinching her ass were too much. That ass was mine. I had pounded into it over my fucking desk and he had the nerve to even look at Maddie? Needless to say, I was livid.

I left Maddie at her dorm and drove through the streets to James' favorite bar on the other side of town where he usually frequents after a baseball game. Keegan and Finn were already there waiting to control me because they knew that I was working on animal instincts at this point.

I had never in my life been so possessive, so overprotective of a woman and this was all new to me but I was willing to kill for Maddie. James had no right even speaking her name so I was going to make sure he knew to cross the street if he saw her coming near him. He was never going to forget who she belonged to.

I knew I sounded like some macho, jackass who was living off of cavemen ideals but I couldn't help it. I had rage going through me that I couldn't control and it was impossible to reel myself back in. My body was being pupated by the devil as he directed the evil out of me.

Keegan, Finn and I walked straight through the back of the bar and grabbed James before he could even look up. My brothers were just there to make sure I didn't kill the fucker but I would have done so easily if they weren't present.

I shoved James outside and just basically laid into him with all my strength. My fists were still raw and my knuckles were throbbing but I didn't care. Apparently, Jeremy had made up some lie as to how Maddie was his niece or something and that was all James kept muttering but I beat the dude to a bloody pulp and left him there. Just to add a certain touch of drama, I brought a baseball bat, ironic I know, but at least he wouldn't forget this particular game. I just thrashed him until he stopped moving.

I wouldn't let Keegan or Finn help me.

I was surprised that Laurent wasn't around or I would have had to deal with him too.

Bring it!

I knew this had the potential of starting some kind of mob war but no one really liked the Denalis. One less of them wasn't going to upset the status quo we had created.

That was a couple of hours ago and I had to just drive so my mind was right and try to understand what was going on with me.

With my photographic memory, I was able to deliver Freud's view on jealousy perfectly.

"Jealousy is defined as an emotional state that is aroused by a perceived threat to a relationship or position. It motivates behaviors that counter the threat. Jealousy is a reaction related to fear and rage, and it makes one want to protect, maintain, and prolong the association of love."

I raised my head when I was done with my recitation and water stung my eyes but I didn't care.

There was that word again: love.

I dug deeper into my brain to find Webster's definition.

"A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person," I muttered to myself.

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