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I walk inside the class when the bell rings again. I walk in late coz I had to make sure my face doesn't show I was crying. I pass Chanel and her minions. Getting snickers from them.

Which is surprising because the usually just send me a glare. I shrug and just walk to my table. The teacher walks in and start teaching.


The bell finally rings for break. I start packing up my stuff. I walk out the class.

I will be lying if I say I have been listening to the teacher. Yes, I haven't. All I could think if is my parents, my family. Can I survive without them?

What am I still doing in school? When I can't even focus. It's useless. How will I be able to even pay my school fees. This is hard than I thought.

I turn away from my locker and run to the toilet. I got in and entered closing the doors. I let the tears flow freely.

I'm tired of seeing your ugly face
I'm tired of seeing your ugly face
You are the cause of what happened to Max
You are!

The image of how Max was tied up both in my room and my dream display in my eyes. I close my eyes tight, holding my head in place.

Face it Larissa. Your parents don't love you, they don't want to get close to a ugly girl like you.

Why, why don't they want me? Why? What did I do? How am I the cause? What's wrong with me?!

The two people that brought me to this world don't love me. Tears fall uncontrollable from my eyes. The sound of me crying fills the toilet. I hold my head in place, trying to for those memories, those pictures but they don't live.

You are the cause of what happened to Max
I don't want to see your ugly face again.
I won't let you infect your ugliness on Max. So don't think of touching him.


I jump from my position. I see Lyra kneeling in front of me. I quickly look down and wipe away my tears.

"I have been looking everywhere for you. I even asked Nathan. Him and his friends where looking all around the school for you. I know how you feeling but you ca-"

"I can what?! You have no idea how it feels that the people that brought you to this world reject you!! Your mother don't want to see your face again coz she refers it as ug- you know what? I'm sorry I have to leave."

I got up from where I was seated and walk pass her. Leaving the toilet I start my run to the exit, only to be bumped by the way from a hard chest. I stumble back but quickly regain my balance.

"Fuck! Larissa! We have been looking the whole damn school for you! Where where you?!" Recognising the voice i look up to see an angry Nathan looking at me with cold eyes. I ignore is question.

"Can you please take me to your house, I'm not feeling well."

"First answer my damn question! Where were you?!"

"Why do you care?!" There follows the silent. You looks me in the eyes, searching for something I don't know. I break eye contact with him and sigh. "It's fine if you don't want. I-I'l find my way there." I said and walk pass him. Making my way to the exit.

I reached out and start my walk even though I have no idea where his house is. I turn left and start walking.

I feel like my life is getting worse and worse everyday. I feel empty without my parents. What have I done to them to deserve this?

You almost got your brother killed.

But it doesn't make sense why would I want to kill my brother I love so much?

A black car that just stopped in front of me brought my attention. It's Nathan. That's the Mercedes Benz we came to school with.

"If you done staring you can come in."

Rude jerk

I open his car door and get in at the back. With that he started the car.


We reached the mansion and I quickly got out of his car. I made my way to the main door and wait for Nathan to open.

After some few minutes, Nathan finally made is way to the main door. He took out his keys and open, getting in first.

Someone has to train him to be a gentleman.

Oh you forgot, he doesn't want to be a gentleman to a girl like you.

Oh yeah, that still hurt and reminds me of how ugly I am. I should start hiding my face from people at school before they all notice how ugly I am and start calling me names. I sigh after closing the door and make my way upstairs.

I get in my room and close the door. I walk to the bed and let the tears fall. My parents disown me. So i don't have parents. How can everything change in just a week? This time last week, I was happy, happy of how normal my life was. But it just all of a sudden take a turn. Like someone is putting a prank on me.

My school fees, I really have to look for a job. It's not hard by starting now.

I wipe my tears away and get out of the bed. I walk out the room and make my way out. I reach the door, holding the handle to open. But a voice stops me.

"Where do you think you're going?"


"To do what?"

"Why is that your business?"

"If you want to get missing, not in my house."

"I'm going to look for a job."

"And why is that?"

"For personal reasons."

"Tell me I will give you money."

"You can't just pay for my school fees like tha...." Shit! I said it.

"School fees huh?"

"Yeah what?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll pay for the whole year for you tomorrow." he says walking up the stairs where I think he came from.

"WHAT?" He turns around and look at me.

"I said I will pay-"

"I heard you. But why do you want to pay for it for me?"

"Because I feel like." He shrug his shoulders.

"Wow...........well thanks."

"Okay." With that he make his way back up stairs while I make my own.

Well that's a little load off my shoulders.

Now the stupid nightmares I'm having, every stupid night.






LOVE YOU ALL💋❤️💗💟💝💖💕💞😘👍

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