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Anthony parks at the parking lot in front of the school. I looked at him and smiled.

"You not getting in?"

"I graduated from college a year age, Precious."

"Yeah yeah, I know." I said getting annoyed for no reason. I jumped out and shut the door.

"You are forgetting something?" Anthony asks me from the window. I looked at him in thought.

"No, doesn't seems like. Wait, I am?" I stare at confused. Anthony lets out a sigh and points at his cheek.

"You forgot a cream I'm suppose to remind you to use on your face?" I asked with a frown. So he does have a cream using for his face. Now I know why his face is always so smooth and fresh.

"No," he lets out a sigh before continuing. "A kiss, on my cheek." He said emphasizing every word.

"Oh." My cheeks heats up as I walk to his side of the car. Ignoring already stares I'm receiving from school. Anthony brings his handsome and hot face for me to kiss his cheek. I did and he quickly pecks my forehead.

"Bye, Precious. Be my strong woman." I nodded as he starts the car and leaves to parking lot. As soon the car leaves. I turn back forward but my face wipes to the side from the pressure of a slap. My cheek stings for a while. I looked at the person and was ready to yell and fight but my eyes soften as I stare at Lyra's blurry eyes.

"You have no idea what I went through because of you. Then the next I see you. You smiling like you were having the best times of your life. You didn't even bother to call me and tell me "you're okay"." She said heart broken and quoted the last words.

"Look Lyra, I'm so sorry. I can explain..." She cuts me off with her hand, stopping me to continue. She closes her eyes then slowly opens them.

"You know what? It's cool. It's fine." She said moving back before turning and leaving. My eyes becomes blurry. I sigh and look at the sky blinking back my tears before making my way inside school. The gossips starts again.

Where do you think she has been?

Obviously slutty around.

Was that Nathan's car she came out from?

Why wasn't Nathan coming out his car?

What's this Rejected Orphan doing back in our school?

I finally got inside the school with a sigh. But I'm still afraid to meet Luke especially now that I'm legally married to Demian with even signed papers. I reached my locker and momentarily checking around, expecting Luke to make an appearance of a seen.

"Look who's back." I turned and met Chanel. She smiles at me but it looks fake to me. She opens her arms. "Come give me your friend a hug." She said still trying to deceive me with fake kindness.

"Look Chanel, I'm not a fool. I know what you did. If you don't want any more troubles with me, just walk away." I said with venom and hatred.

Larisa is back.

Chanel stares at me gap mouthed and touches her chest. I actually thought Chanel really changed. I thought she was now a sweet heart. Not knowing I was fooling myself all this while.

Four weeks ago...

"We need to go. They'll be thinking why we taking so long." I said trying to make him stop.

"They'll understand." He says with a shrug. While I struggle in the corner to escape from him.

"Why? Why do you want me since from the party?" He freezes for a moment then spoke.

"Just because Chanel's plan didn't work, doesn't mean I don't like you for my own interest." I gasped and looked at Demian with wide eyes.

I stayed froze as a single tear drops from my eyes and my mouth agape. How could she? Demian starts trailing kisses on me from my cheeks as I looked at the ceiling. I thought, I thought she really changed! I should have known Chanel will never change.

I came back to reality and push Demian off me with all my power before running out the toilet and back to the restaurant were The Beast and Demian's father were seated and laughing. I took the purse from the table and face The Beast.

"I want to go home." I said not caring what I'll pass through later because of this. The Beast glares at me with gritting teeth.

"We not done yet sweetheart. Now sit and eat with us."

"Then, I'll wait by the car." I said still breathing fast and walked out the fancy restaurant.

Few minutes later... Well let's just say, I got the beaten of my life. Then the next day was when Brandon saved me from Demian after he reminded me our wedding was the next day.


"Larisa, what happened to you? You got hit by your head in the long vacation?" Chanel said faking her concern look.

"Chanel, I should have known you would never change. The demon in you will never leave your filthy body!" I yelled getting people's attention as they start to gather around us.

"Enough! I have heard enough from that bitchy mouth of yours! Trust me, you do not want to cross my path!" Chanel said in a warning tone.

"What? You finally got tired of your pretends? Why? What happened to it? Oh, I know. Because you not benefitting anything from it? Now what? You moving back to whore club?" I said getting "ooohs" from the crowed.

"Watch your fucken back bitch! Because now I'm going to hit you hard this time! No more playing around the bushes! Let's go girls." She said turning and leaving as the crowd makes way for her and her minions.

"Oh yeah? Guess what? I'm not fucken scared of you!!" I yelled at her retreating back. Then smiled proudly at my self before looking at the crowd.

I spotted Lyra smiling and smiled back but when she noticed I was smiling at her, the smile on her face was gone then she walked away with the people leaving.

I sigh and looked at her retreating back. Hearing sounds of someone clapping. I look were it came from and watch the twins as they made their way over to me with huge smile on their face.

"She's back." One of the twins said. Forgetting who is who again.

"She certainly is." The other twin replies.

"Welcome back to school Larry."

"Yep, we missed you." One of the twins came closer to hug me and I hugged back then hugged the other twin.

"I know you did. Who never misses this queen?"

"Shut up!" They both said in unison.

"So we're you.."

"Heading to?" They said doing their who talks first then ends the sentence again.

"Not sure, I'll check."

"Okay." They said in unison. I opened my locker and read the timetable I stock on the locker.

"It's English."

"That's us to."

"Yep, so I guess we going together."

"Yes we are."

"I'm happy you are back."

"Me too." They said and i smiled happily at them.







LOVE YOU ALL!!💋❤️💗💖😘💕👍

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