*34 Pt.3*

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I was pulled forward harshly by Marco. He really wants to get rid of me by all means. I sigh and just walk forward with him.

What I was looking from inside the car became more clear to me. I can't believe I'm looking at my biological father and to my surprise he has the same colour of my eyes. At least I took same colour of eyes with someone.

He looks like he is in his late forties. He screams danger. He wears a all black tuxedo. He hold a Dunhill King Size golden cigarette. With his hair exact same colour with mine but pulls it all back.

"Don't give me the reason for your death today." Anthony said with a very scary voice. I gasped in surprise. I have never seen Anthony this scary before.

"Do anything stupid and you're dead." The Beast says with a smirk as he takes a pull from his cigarette and blows it out on Anthony's chest since it's actually were his face reaches. Yes my dad is 6.2 while Anthony is 6.5. "So princess," He finally looks my way with a smile. "...I can see you received all the letters I sent." He said. He said and I quickly look down. I can't believe I'm going to be staying with him. The funny part is he doesn't have the tattoos I usually see on my nightmare. But he only has a huge tattoo that he was able to cover a bit of the huge part on his neck with the tuxedo. "Let's get you home princess." He said as he gestures his hand to the mans at the back. On the brighter side of this. At list my dad the real one doesn't reject me.

They brought a lady forward who looks really weak and tired and broken. She must be Anthony's mum. You can tell she really misses her son. The way she looks at Anthony and Marco with the brightness in her eyes and she looks like she's about to break down and cry.

I'm happy for Anthony that he is finally uniting with his mother. I can say the same for myself just that I don't see happiness but curiosity and fear in me even though I'm suppose to be happy that I'm meeting my biological father who isn't even rejecting me. The things Anthony said earlier in the car still keeps ringing in my head. Does he really want me because he loves me as his lost and found daughter or because of something else I can't think of?

"So how are we going to do the exchange?" The Beast asks taking another pull and blowing the smoke out.

"Give me my ma first and I'll give you your daughter." Anthony said with all serious but with a ghost smile.

"Remember, do anything stupid and you are dead." The Beast says. He gestures his mans to let Anthony's mum go and she quickly runs to her son. A single tear left my eye at the sight. I'm happy for Anthony and his mum. I quickly wipe it away. Until Marco pushes me harshly. To one of my dad's man. I should start really calling him my dad and accept my life. Wait, what about Lyra? No he will obviously let me keep going to that school. Right?

I look at Anthony to see him directly looking at me. My eyes becomes blurry. I'm going to miss him. He was the person I really liked. He was there for me when I was almost raped by Luke and Damien and when I was scared to go to school and helped me face Luke.

His striking blue eyes is what I might just miss most because that's where he shows me his true emotions. Right now his eyes shows sadness even though he has his mother the happiness doesn't reach his eyes. I sigh and look away.

I walked over to my dad and expected him to at least show he misses me with a hug but he didn't hug me. He looks at me and smiles.

"Beautiful more than I imagined. Go in." He gestures for me to enter the back seat of his Jeep. I look at him shocked but slowly got in. He gets in the other side. Next thing I know his sitting right next to me at the back seat.

I quickly look at Anthony from the back seat. Anthony still stands infront of their car watching my dad's, watching me. Hi mum still stands next to him as his mum tries calling him but he just stares at me. I stare back at him. I can't believe I'm really leaving Anthony. All the memories we had together, how we first met, the good and bad times we spent together.

The car starts moving back and slowly the car takes a U-turn. I still stare at Anthony as I turn and look through the back window of this car. He takes his eyes off this car and looks down as he puts his hand around his mum's shoulder and turn walking to the car's back door.

I sigh and took my eyes off them as my eyes becomes blurry. I turn back forward and look down quickly wiping the tears from my eyes before he notice. The car starts moving a bit faster. But I ignore it.

Ten minutes has pass and my dad decides to talk.

"I can see you two grew some bond." He said slowly and calmly. I looked up at him surprise he noticed. But quickly look back down and ignore him. "I missed you." He says and looks at me as I look back at him.

His eyes doesn't show honesty and truth in them. But his face shows seriousness and fake honesty. I nodded and look back down.

My phone buzzes from my pocket. How can I forget my phone. Thank God I always dump it in my pocket. I quickly take it out and switch it on. I click on the message and see it's from Anthony:

I'm still coming back for you.

"Wow you have a phone." Dad says sarcastically lacing on history voice. "Can I see it?" He asked. Happy about the message I received from Anthony. I quickly switch it off. Thank God the back of the phone was facing him before I read the message.

"Sure." I handed it over to him. He took it and looked around it.

"It's too old. I'll get you a new one." He said.

Then throws my phone out the window. I stare at him shock. All my friends and all the people I know including Anthony's phone number was stored in that phone.


The parts are now finished!





LOVE YOU ALL!!💋❤️💗💖😘💕👍

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