*BOOK II: 2*

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Few days later...


I stare at the mirror examining my face. Swollen right cheek, a small cut on my upper lip, purple bruise just next to my right eye, my swollen left eye. With shaking hands I slowly pull my top up. There is just red cross scratches on my tummy.

I sighed and took off my top and pants with my panties and bra. I switch on the tape waiting for the bath tub to be filled with water as I moved back to the mirror. My body filled with old and new scares. Does my dad cares? No, only cares about the money he's making in his business by using me.

I looked at myself in the mirror as my eyes becomes blurry and a single tear drops. I wiped it away and sniff. I turned back to the bath tube and quickly stop the water getting in slowly before settling in and let out a relaxing sigh.


"I n-need money." I said standing in front of his sitting position.

"For what?" He asks sounding annoyed.

"F-food." I lied. The truth is that my painkillers are finished and my non-pregnancy pill and also, I need some fresh air.

"So quick? Why do I feel like you're lying to me." He said slowly getting up and walking closer to me. "Are you?" He said raising my chin making me look up at him.

"N-no I'm not." I said a little to quick. My heart beat racing faster than before. He looks at me closely staring into my eyes. I stood still. The silence suffocating me. After what felt like hours.

"Mmh, okay." He shrugs and deeps his hands inside his pocket. I let out a sigh of relief once he took his eyes off me. "Here." He hands me more then enough money as usual.

"Thanks." I said blankly and walked away quickly running upstairs to grab a scarf and sunglasses and put more foundation to cover up all my bruises.

Few minutes later I came back downstairs. He wasn't on the couch anymore. I wonder where he is. I shrugged it off and walked out.

He doesn't even allow me to use his beautiful cars.


I finally got inside the busy market. I walked the shelf, grabbing some fruits, vegetables, fruit juice, snacks. Nope they are all his stuff what I'm only able to eat are the vegetables. Well it was part of the problem when I was pregnant.

I finally reach were the Cornflakes are. I tried reaching the them but it was just too high. I drop the basket with the items of food I took. I stood on my tip toe and try reaching it but it was useless.

I suddenly felt a present closely behind me and a hand reaching for the flakes. I stood back fully on my feet. I turned to see a quite good looking guy way taller and huge than me. He smiles at me showing off his dimples.

"Here you go." He said handing me the box of flakes. I smiled shyly at him, moving the small of my hair behind my ears before taking it from his hand.


"Anything for a pretty like you." He smiles genuinely. My cheeks already heating up. "I'm sure your name is pretty?"

"No it's actually Larisa."

"Larisa, close enough. It's still nice in the tongue. I'm Francesco. But for short, France or Frances." He said stretching out his hands again to shake mine. I nodded with a smile and shake his hands.

AWRY LOVE [1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now