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"Welcome to your new humble home!" Dad says as he gestures his hands around. I don't even bother to look around the house. It's not like I haven't seen a mansion before. It's the exact same size as Anthony. The different is the colour and furniture.

All I want to do right now is to run inside a room and lock myself never coming out and asked myself why do I loose nice stuff and keep getting ugly stuff? My life is so messed up. I just need to cry my sorrows out about not seeing Anthony's handsome face and deep voice.

"Ray, go and bring five bottles of my expensive wines!!" He shouts to the guy standing by the wall. He nods and walks away. I don't even want to call him dad it doesn't act like one.

"Sir!!" I shout out to get his attention.

"Call me Dad."

"Why should I?" I asked my anger increasing by the minutes.

"Because sweetheart, I'm your biological father."

"But you never act like one." I said angrily.

Firstly he takes me for a one hour thirty minutes long trip away from all the people I care about then makes me lose all the contacts I have to reach them now he's trying to force me to call him Dad!! He is crazy.

He takes slow threatening steps towards me and stops right infront of me, invading my personal space. He bands and harshly grabs my jaw, squeezing it tight. I hiss in pain but he just increases the pain by pressing and squeezing my poor jaw tighter. I just pray it doesn't break.

"Watch your tone......and words." He says huskily and harshly lets go of my jaw as I quickly put my hand on it and try moving it in circles. After the pain on my jaw has loosen. I stare at him in disbelief.

"How could you do that to your own daughter!!!" I yelled he is truly a monster!!!

"Shut up and let's celebrate!"

"Can you please tell me were my room is?" I asked softly try all my best to hold back my tears. I need Anthony's arms around and his deep voice telling me everything is going to be okay. He turns and looks at me with a blank stare while I look at him with pleading eyes. "Please."

After a few minutes of complete  silence. He lets out a sigh, "Okay. Brandon!! Brandon!!" He yells. Few minutes later a guy walks in.

"Yes sir."

"Show my princess to her room." The Beast says pointing at me. The guy nods. To be honest this Brandon is a very good looking guy. He's handsome and hot but not as much as Anthony is. When did I even start liking a gang leader? I hated gang leaders with my whole life but I'm always close to them now that I ended up liking one of them.

I sigh and follow Brandon up the stairs. He then takes me to few corners then up to another set of stairs then we turn another corner and started walking straight the corridors. Why would my room be this far?

At the end of the corridor we stopped infront of a door which is white a bit different from the other white doors because this one has a golden decorations around.

"This is your room ma'am..."

"Oh please I'm not like your cruel Boss. Call me Larisa. My friend call my Larry." I said bringing my hands out to shake his. I hope we become good friends. He smirks and brought out his hand shaking mine.

"I'm Brandon."

"Nice to meet you Brandon."

"You too." He then opens the door wide for me to get in first. I did and look around some of the stuffs are covered in gold. While the rest are maroon. I wonder why? It's not like I like gold. I turn and face Brandon who is just standing with folded arms.

"Is your room like this? I mean covered with gold?"


"Even just a lamb covered with gold?"


"Then why is mine covered with gold." He shrugs.

"See you soon." He said then left the room, closing the door at his back.

I sigh and look around. I sit on the queen size bed. I don't know why I'm still shocked he did that to me. Maybe because he is my dad my real father. But he is a Mafia, that's why I'm not suppose to be surprised. Wait, maybe because Anthony is also a Mafia, well yeah he actually tried to kill me at first. Maybe he is still new about having his daughter back and treating her well.

He might just change and become better as time passes by. And Anthony is still coming to fetch me and take me back home. Wait, why am I calling his manson home? Maybe because I feel safe and secured there than here.

I'm really starting to miss how we use to cuddle and how he use to hold me tight as if I would disappear before we sleep. A lonely tear falls down my cheek

He's coming back for me.

I nodded to myself. That was my last thought as the Black dots take over and I dose off.


"Hey Larry." I looked up from the book I was reading to take myself out from the reality that slapped me on the face.

"Yeah?" I said looking at Brandon.

"Boss said you should be ready at 12 in the morning. He is taking you out for shopping." He informed. I nodded with a blank face not even a smile.

For the first time ever. I am not happy to go out for shopping. I hate shopping now for no reason. Maybe because I'm not going out with the people I know so much or that makes me happy and feel alive.

He nods making a thin line on his lips before closing the door.

I throw the book I was reading away. As a tear falls down my cheek and before I know. I'm in a sobbing mess.

I already miss everyone. Lyra, Ryan, Blake and Blame and mostly Anthony and Lyra. I'm sure she's alone wondering were I left to without even informing her.

When are you coming Anthony?






LOVE YOU ALL!!!💋❤️💗😘💕👍

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