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"Now, can I have my phone?" I asked Lyra.

"Sure." She says rolling her eyes then deeps her hand inside her Jean pocket and takes out my phone handing it to me.

"Thanks." I said grinning at her.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. But please stop using it a lot. At least when I'm around."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I said mimicking her earlier words.

"Oh look, Nathan is hear. I got to go now. Bye!!" She says then hugs me and I hugged back. We pulled apart and Lyra waved to me walking towards her car. I waved back.

Anthony's car pulls off in front of me and I open it jumping in.


"Hey." I greet back as I shut the door. Anthony starts the car again as we move out the parking lot.

"How was school today?"

"Normal I guess." But I was missing you badly.

"Okay, how about we go for ice cream?"

"Yes, you know how to complete my day."

"You got it right." Anthony replies side glancing at me.

"So how was work?" I asked him as the car turns.


"Why boring?"

"Because you weren't around." He said then rests his hand on my thigh. While I start playing with it.

Me and Anthony has been really close since I came back. He has been so sweet and supportive to me that I forgot he's a gang leader. I'm afraid I'm getting in love with him.

But the question is does he feels the same? I know I'm starting to fall for him but I'm not ready to get disappointed. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he considers me as a sister? What if he cares for me because I felt lonely? What if-

"Larisa?" I was cut off my miserable thoughts.

"Yeah, what?" I said lost. Anthony chuckles.

"I thought I lost you there for a minute. What's wrong? You seemed really deep in thoughts?"

"What are we?" I mentally slap myself on the face. What was I thinking? What was I thinking? It just suddenly slipped off my stupid mouth!

"What?" Anthony asked sounding confused. I already let it out why hide it? I sigh looking down in shame then back at Anthony.

"I asked, what are we?" I asked again. The car was filled with silence and tension. I felt like scrolling down the window. I was already dying from silence. It reached my neck. After about five minutes, Anthony lets out a sigh.

"I want you...., badly."

"Heyyy, look we have reached the ice cream shop." I said pretending I didn't hear him. He sighs then gets out while I follow after.


I shut the door and quickly made my way inside the house. Thank God today is Friday. I need lots of rest plus the homework I have to catch up with.

I reached in and made my way upstairs avoiding Anthony as much as I can. While working to my room. I saw Anthony's mum I smiled at her as she mirrors it once she sees me.

"Hey sweety."

"Hi Sarah."

"How was school today?"

AWRY LOVE [1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now