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The bell finally rang for break and I got up from History class making my way out the door. Wow I really have a lots of work to do even the teacher looked at me with annoyance obviously wondering why I even came back after a month.

I let out a sigh and open the cafeteria doors. I spotted the Lyra sitting alone on the same table we usually sit. I walked up to her.

"Hey." I greet with a warm smile. She looks up from her lunch at me then back at the lunch. I let out a sigh. "We need to talk." She still completely ignored me. I sigh again and looked around the cafeteria.

"Hey guys!" The twins greet sitting down. I greeted back same with Lyra.

"Would you like to explain,"

"...why you are still standing Larry?" The twins asked.

"I just need to talk to Lyra." They both nodded then started their own conversation.

"I told you that song was awesome but you were so deaf."

"I know, I know okay? It's my mistake but that doesn't mean I'm deaf. I just wasn't active in socialites for a while."

"Why is that?" I rolled my eyes at the twins conversation. They speaking as if nothing is going on here. I turned back at Lyra. Pulling a chair closer to her and set but she just faces the other side even more.

"Lyra stop being childish." I said starring at her. She chuckles then turns to me.

"I'm being childish? You left me like for more than four weeks and I was here thinking you are lost or got kidnapped. But when I finally saw you for how many weeks, you just smiling like you have been having the most time of your life!" I looked around while trying to tell Lyra to lower her voice. Some people were starring at me disgusted while others with annoyance. But the twins just kept talking even though the cafeteria is now filled with silence because of Lyra.

"I know right, that chick is totally hot. I would bang her forever!"

"Yeah. but sadly she doesn't know you exist."

"Also you bro."

"I think she does."

"She doesn't?"

"Yes because I make sure I 'like' all her pics on Instagram."

"I don't think she knows you by that dude."

"Shut up, you know nothing about me and Tiana. S,o stop getting jealous and get-"

"Guys!!" I cut them off.

"What?!" They both yell in unison. I signal them to look around. They did and some of the people stiffen their laugh. While others stare at them shock.

"Shit." One of them said.

"What?! You all have nothing left to do in your miserable lifes!!" The second twin yelled. Every turned back and started talking again.

"Thanks Larry."

"Yeah, we got carried away."

"I know." I said nodded. Then looked back at Lyra. "You didn't give me a chance to explain. You of all people know I would never miss school even if I feel like. You know what, can we speak outside." I said getting up and carrying my back pack before leaving the cafeteria.

I waited five more minutes before Lyra came out with folded arms. "Now explain, I'm all ears."

"Can we talk somewhere less crowded?" She clicks her tongue then walks while I follow. But kept looking around.

AWRY LOVE [1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now