*BOOK II: 29*

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We stepped in a strange looking unbelievabling place. It looks abandoned and lost. The warehouse was shuttered and looked hunted. But I wasn't as afraid as I thought I would be, I guess being trained really help. I actually feel eager to punch someone on the face.

We stepped out the car. He walks up to me as I waited for him by my side of the car.

"Where are we?" I asked him blankly, not taking my eyes off from the warehouse.

"You'll soon find out." He says. I nodded. "Let's walk." He says and intertwined our hands as we made our way towards the warehouse.

We got in and it was as I expected, completely empty. Nothing, Nada. "I'm not surprised."

"Good." He says as we continue walking to a specific direction. He walks up to an empty broken shelf and let's go of my hand, puts his hands on it and moves it slightly. He then steps his foot on a specific place it I don't know where since there isn't even a button shown. He finally removes his foot and then he squat down, a keypad comes out and he types in some numbers before pressing the enter button. It turned green then a scanner appears, it scans his face. He got up and before you could even think, the floor makes a weird sound as Antonio moves me back with him, a huge part of the floor shaped square as the square cuts into half and open up.

Saying I was shocked is an understatement. I was beyond shocked. I never knew a place like this existed.

Plain white stairs show down the square going deeper. "Let's go." He says getting hold of my hand as we go down the stairs and Antonio stops once we fully down and presses the red button above, the top slowly closes. When we got in there was an elevator facing us, only two elevators and nothing else.

I followed Antonio as we step into one of them and he presses the yellow light button, closing the elevator for us. He holds my hands firmly as he presses some numbers on the wall. "This is going to be fast prezioso." He says then presses the green button.

"How-" I was cut off by the speed of the elevator going down, I actually though my bag was going to fly up by the full speed, and have I mentioned, I much I was screaming? It felt like my soul was going straight to hell, with my heart wanting to leave my chest. I stare still screaming my lungs out at Antonio who doesn't moves an inch or acts like we are going down in full speed. He actually looks use to it.

After what felt like minutes, we finally reached a stop. I hold Antonio with my other hand to as I felt like I was falling down. I could imagine how my hair looks like. After few minutes of me trying to adjust that we have finally stopped. Antonio turns to me.

"Are you ready?" He asks. I quickly lay down my hair and nodded still traumatized. He opens the elevator and just then. I felt like I wasn't sixty feet underground. I felt like I just entered a company.

A guy walks to us, he was covered with tattoos and almost reached same night with Antonio. He looks scarry but I didn't look intimidated. I looked at him emotionless.

"Welcome back Boss." He bows at Antonio, starring at him with a blank expression but his lips in thin line. Antonio just hums in response and doesn't even looks at him.

The guy then turns to  me. Thats until he grins, I felt like hell just break loss. You would never have thought a guy like him could break a grin. I immediately smiled and shake his hard hands.

"You must be his wife." My eyes widen and my cheeks heats up, as I quickly glanced at Antonio who just stares ahead, blankly and emotionless. He looks really intimidating, this way well, and a thousand hotter. I stare back at the guy.

"No, I'm actually not." I chuckle.

"Oh I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'm Baddy by the way."

"I'm Larisa." I said.

"Nice name." He nods.

"Thanks Baddy." I replied. Antonio clears his throat.

"Follow me." He says. It took me a while to notice that he is talking to me. I quickly follow closely. "That's my third in command. He looks after this place for me. I only come here twice in three months."

"Oh." I nodded. Few more people greets him as we pass but he just hums not even nod at them. I was going to ask why is he so ignorant and arrogant since we entered but I heard more important questions. "Why do you have such a big place like this underground?"

"It's for back up. No one knows this place except you, Ryan and Marco." He says. I nodded. I look around to see, entertainment room, training room, fighting room, gym, etc. Well I didn't see inside just the names imprinted on the door.

"What do you mean it's for back up?" I asked from his answer earlier. I know it's a bit to late to ask but I was a bit carried away by the amazement of this place.

"The people I find on the streets, I bring them down here and train them,they have to sign contracts first. They grow up in here and when they are ready, I bring them out to the outside world as they are now fully in the gang."

"Don't you think, they would need some fresh air from being in a place like this for too long?"

"I know they would but I can't let them be going in and out always because, people outside might get suspicious. So Baddy bring them out for a full day, twice a month." He says. I nodded, as he opens the entertainment room.

We got in and I was amazed, it was a complete lovely place. There are games by the side, a huge space to play sport, etc. We walked further in and I found the movie room. The lights in here are dime. There were lots of chairs in rows and a huge white cloth covered in front.

"The projector is placed at the back." He says. I nodded.

After what's felt like years. I finally saw everyone and Antonio introduced me to all the guys and teenage boys and few kids under the age of twelve to seven,  I also know everywhere might I add, there is a food storage that is quite freezy and filled with food.

We made it back to the elevator. We got in I then turned to Antonio.

"Why aren't there any woman, lady or girls?" I asked. He clears his throat.

"I really don't want to answer that question."

"You think they are very weak, don't you?" I ask. He doesn't reply, knowing that I'm right.

"You should start bringing females, so I can show you how strong they are." I said then turned my back on him. Before turning back at him.

"How long did it take you to build this place?"

"Three years." Plus bringing people in would take longer, so he might have started it while we were still together.

"Why didn't you take me about it earlier?"

"I was going to show you the project, after your birthday." He says and I nodded keeping quiet. "By the way, tomorrow I'm showing you my clubs."

"Don't I already know them?"

"Not really."

I was about to ask another question when Antonio presses a button and now, I was holding into Antonio as I felt like I was going to fly with the speed.






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