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I quickly wipe the tears sliding down my cheeks. Once the dress is now nothing but hashes. I let out a sigh.

"So are you going to tell me now, why I got you in a wedding dress and why you burnt it?" Anthony asked impatiently. I move my head from his chest and look into his eye, my eyes becomes blurry and without any more thoughts I turned and ran back inside the house.

"Hello, sweetheart." The nickname brought chills down my body and I felt my hands shaking. Only The Beast and Demian calls me by that same nickname. I turned and was about to yell at the person but notice it was Anthony's mum. "Please, don't ever call me that again." I said it as calmly as I could.

"Have you been crying?" Just then Anthony made an appearance. I sigh and turn back around running back to the room and locking it. I slowly walk to the bed sobbing.

I set and wondered why didn't Anthony noticed my wedding ring. I brought my hand and just noticed a line showing the traces of where the ring was. But the ring is gone.

My eyes widen, the ring must have slipped off when I was trying to take the Beast arm off me. I breath out in relief. At least it's gone. I thought it would have been hard to remove. I sigh and wipe my tears before deciding to take a nap.


"You may kiss the bride."

"You're all mine now, Mrs Gold." he comes back to my lips, ready to kiss me.

"No, no!! I'm not yours!!!! Leave me alone!!! I hate you!!"

"Hey! Hey! Larisa it's just a dream." My eyes opens like it was never closed. My breathing quickens. I'm sure I look like a sick bitch right now.

I looked into Anthony's worried blue eyes. A single tear slides down my cheek. Anthony brought his finger and wipes the tear off. Before bringing my shaking body smashing to his. I hug him back tight still heavily breathing and shaken.

"I'm so sorry for taking long to get to you. I'm sorry Larisa. You are not going to pass through what you did with that monster ever again. I promise. You are safe with me and I'll never let you off my sight. I promise my Prezioso." All his words made me slowly calm down and I hugged him tighter, not wanting him to leave.

They are coming back for me Anthony. I'm married to them.

I began sobbing hard in his chest while he continues soothing me and whispering sweet nothings. Before I could noticed, I had stopped crying and a yawn comes from my mouth as my eye lids starts to drop.

"You need to sleep, Prezioso." he said putting his hands on my arms making me go back down on the bed. I stayed layed down expecting him to lay beside me but he just puts the duvet cover over me.

He moves away from me. "Close your eyes and try sleeping. Okay?" He said, I nodded. He turns he's back ready to leave. But I look around and at the window feeling scared.

"A - Anthony?" He turns back just when he was about to open the door.


"P - please stay." I said in the most quiet voice. He looks at me with soft eyes I almost felt guilty for disturbing him.

"Sure anything for my Prezioso." He said then takes off his shirt coming closer to the bed then throws it by the couch then slides down his track pants throwing it the same direction and climbs with only his boxers on.

AWRY LOVE [1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now