*BOOK II: 12*

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"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop starring."

"Starring at a pretty face hard to find?" He asked looking innocent. I tried hiding my blush but failed miserably.

"Please just stop."

"Stop saying the impossible."

"Okay seriously, you starting to creep me out now." I said staring at his hazel eyes.

"Okay, fine." He said smiling, raising up his hands in surrender. "So how you feeling?"

"Completely fine now." I said honestly. I haven't even two days without getting beaten for quite a long time. I don't know weather to cry or smile right now. I feel a tiny bit relief but my nightmares still hunts me.

"Hey? You back yet?" I was brought out my thoughts by Frances waving hand on my face.

"Oh yeah, what?" I asked confused.

"Wow, you were gone for two to three minutes. Anything the matter?" Frances asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh, huh just thinking about how I met such a nice guy like you." I let out without thinking, at least it's a half lie. Truly he is a nice guy, other half which is a lie is I wasn't thinking about that.

"I'm the one to say that. Seriously.." He takes hold of both my hands. I stare at him with a smile. "I haven't seen such a beautiful kind hearted woman like you. You are pure. You are different. I haven't seen a woman beautiful both in and out. It's really hard to find this days and I'm happy I crossed your path."

"Stop playing France." I said blushing crazy. He keeps quiet and just stares at my face with a grin showing off his dimples.

"Seriously I can't stop starring at a beautifully face when I see one." He said shook his head then brought his hand up in surrender.

"Stop it Frances." I said putting my hands on my mouth giggling like a five years old. "Wow I really did miss you this past few days." I confessed.

"Same here baby girl. How were you able to talk him out of it?"

"Trust me, I'm not sure." I'm seriously not sure.


Four days later...

Me and Anthony haven't spoken to each other since the day I talked to him about letting Frances in. I'm actually always in the room not coming out. I just feel more safe inside this room then even the kitchen. I'm scared to even think why.

Anthony never visits but Frances makes sure everyday and it seems we getting closer and more comfortable with each other. I'm honestly enjoying his company. He helps takes my mind off stuff.

He brings McDonald, snacks, ice cream, etc. Everytime he visits he makes sure to bring something with. He is really caring and we'll liking I guess.

He always asks if I have taken my pills the doctor instructed I take every after breakfast and dinner. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." Frances peaks his face out before coming in with two milkshakes in both his hands then shut the door with his feet.

"How's my pretty baby girl doing today?"

"She's fine and you?"

"Seeing you already made my day."

"Oh please." I said giggling. He hands me the chocolate flavoured milkshake with icing on top and sprinkles.

"Thanks. You should really stop doing this. I'm already getting fat."

"Stop lying to yourself. So luckily today, I brought us one of my favourite board game." He said smiling. I check around him but found nothing.

"So where is it?" I asked with a questioning look on my face. His eyes widen ad he looks around. Then hits his hand on his face. "I must have forgotten it in the car. Let me quickly go fetch it." He said. I nodded before he left the room running. I chuckle at his stupidity.


We both chuckle. Then our laughs slowly dies down. I left the amazing smile on my face looking at his striking blue eyes.

He smiles back the smile I'm so addicted to. He moved closer and brought his hand to my cheek, slowly caressing it.

"I love you so much Larisa. You are my drug. I can't continue my life without you. Please promise me you won't leave me again."

"I love you as much. I would rather die than live my life without you. I will never leave you love."

He slowly moves closer to my face and so did I. Starring down at his addictive lips before moving back to his eyes. His striking blue eyes stares down at my lips then back at me. He leans closer. Our nose brush against each other. I smiled at him before he smashed his lips into mine.

My eyes slowly opens. I stare at the ceiling thinking about the dream I just heard. I wished it was real. I was beginning to think it was real. I angrily sit up and took one of the pillow, deep my face in it then screamed out in anger before throwing the pillow to the wall.

My eyes becomes blurry. I really wished that dream was real. No matter how much I hide it, I still deeply love him. I try stopping it but I just can't, my love for him wouldn't disappear into thin air. Uncontrollable tears starts falling. My sobs were heard in my room.


I was woken up by her silent sobs. I felt like I'm the one filling her pain even though I'm not sure what it is. I turned but a sobs just keeps ringing in my ears. I sigh in defeat and got up from the bed. Took my shirt then put it on walking towards the door to leave.

What am I doing? I'm confused myself as I opened the door and walked out.


I kept sobbing silently. Everything just hurts my life is a complete mess. I don't understand myself.

I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I stopped sobbing. Who would knock on my door this time? I got another knock. I sigh and got up, quickly wiping my wet cheeks. I check the clock hanging on the wall. 2:05 a.m in the morning.

I walked towards the door and opened. My eyes filling with tears again. His striking blue eyes looked troubled and sad even though he tries hiding it.

"I.... I.." He couldn't complete his sentence. I immediately engulfed him with a hug and started sobbing on his chest. Few minutes later he hugs me back.






LOVE YOU ALL!!!💋❤️💗💖😘💕👍

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