*BOOK II: 8*

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I open my eyes but everything was double. But my eyes slowly turned things back to the way I should have seen them.


The smell of hospital hits my nostrils as I finally realised I'm resting on a hospital bed.

"What happened?" I asked no one in particular. I was all alone in the room. "Hello?!! Someone?!" Few seconds later the door opens and a lady dressed in nurse uniform walks up to me with a warm smile.

"Morning darling. I heard your call when I was passing by. I'll just go find a doctor. Okay?" I nodded and then she turned walks to the door and left. I let out a sigh. What really happened?

This morning, Demian left home as usual then I took my phone from where I usually hide it. Read Francesco's messages, then called him. He sounded worried on the phone. Until I suddenly black out. Oh God!! The phone!!! What if Demian found it? How can I explain? It's obviously Demian brought me here.

I let out a shaky breathe. I'm finally going to die today. Today is my end. The door burst open and I jumped.

"Larisa!!!" I looked at him surprised.


"How you feeling now? Are you okay?" He said standing by the side of the bed. I smiled at how cute he looks when worried. "This is not a smiling matter!!"

"Sorry." I said the smile completely washed away. He lets out a sigh.

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I'm just worried and scared. What happened to you?"

"I - I" I was lost of words. "How did you find me? Wait, are you the one that brought me to the hospital?"

"Yes, I just tracked your phone with some help. I'm also friends with a detective his name's Chris. He noticed me yelling your name on my phone so. He grabbed it from me and ask. You know what? Long story short, he help track your phone while I kept the call on hold." He said, I slowly nodded.

"So how where you able to enter the house, you know the security man at the gate?"

"He wouldn't let us in so I punched him on the face, he got knocked out. Still the door was locked so Chris kicked the door open and we started the search for you and finally found you, your face was all bruised and left purple, with some swollen parts. What happened to you? Who did that?"

"I - I. It's my-" The door burst open and my body filled with fear. I looked down at my fingers scared to face the demon himself. Why did he come? Why does he have to come? I hate him! He scares the hell out of me!

"Larisa! What happened to you? Who did this?" Demian fakes his concern. He walks up to me and caresses my cheek, I flinched from his touch.

"And who are you?" Frances asked sounding annoyed and shock.

"Larisa? Who is this?" Demian took his hand off my cheek. I sigh a bit relief his scary hands not touching me anymore. I looked up at him then at Frances expecting me to answer.

"Uhm, I don-. He is - uhm." I found it hard to say the right words in front of both of them together.

"I'm her friend." Frances answered. If only he knew what he just said had caused me.

"Larisa, can you please tell your friend who I am?" Demian said obviously trying to calm his short temper.

"He - he's my, husband." My eyes becomes blurry as I stare at Frances sad eyes.

"Now Larisa the doctor just told me you are good to go. We are leaving." He said and pulled the tiny pipe sticking on my hand out then harshly grab me off the bed. I winced my body still filled with pain I almost screamed out.

"Hey!! Watch it with her!! Be careful!!" France said grabbing Demian's hand off me.

"She's my wife!! I know how to take care of her!" He said then grabs my arms again, ignoring the fact I'm still in hospital gown. He starts grabbing me to door. I wasn't walking straight with the strong pain on my abdomen. I stare back at Frances, he looks at me with lost eyes. I mouthed to him "help me" hoping he finally got the message. His eyes widens in realisation. As if he just solve the puzzle.

The door shuts and we were making our way towards the exit.


It all makes sense now. He is the one that left those marks on her. He abused her. That's why she acts strangely, tensed. I just don't get why she married him. I was so deep in thoughts I didn't even noticed they are long gone.

I ran out the door and quickly make my way to the exit almost passing the receptionist.

"I'm here for Larisa Gold." I froze at hearing the name. I slowly turned to who's speaking.

"Are you related to her?"

"I'm her brother." The man answered sounding desperate.

"Okay. What's your name?"

"Ryan. Ryan...... King."

I started my walk towards him. "Hey!" I tap his shoulder. He turns to me with a questioning look.


"I over heard you saying you're Larisa's brother."

"Yes, who are you?" He asks curiously turning his full attention to me.

"I'm her friend." I looked around and noticed the receptionist looking at us. "Can I talk to you somewhere else?"

"I still have to see Larisa."

"She's not here, she just left and I think she is in big trouble right now."

"Really?" He said bit shock.

"Yes, we don't have much time. I feel like this is going to end bad for her."

"Okay, okay let head to my car." He said then I nodded. We moved to the exit. We started walking towards a red Mercedes Benz. 

"You may get in." I nodded and got in. Just in time for him to get in.

"So talk? I heard she was in the hospital before I came."

"Well few minutes ago, I was talking to her then a guy burst in and told Larisa to tell me who he is. She told me that he is her husband. Then after he grabbed her harshly even though she is still in pain and I feel he was lying about her being ready to leave because she still looked in pain.  While they were leaving, Larisa mouthed 'help' to me. So I figured that guy is the reason why she is in the hospital. Since I met her, she is always tensed and caution, like expecting anything to attack her or something. I feel like she's been going through hell, with that man.." I stare at Ryan. He looked deep in thoughts.

"We have to go somewhere fast. I think we will need some help."

"Yeah I'm ready, she needs us right away before the guy does something really bad to her."

He starts the car. I looked at him surprise he has started the engine. "I also brought a car. I can't just leave it here you know."

"Okay, then you can go to your car. But follow mine close behind."

"Okay." I quickly got out and jog to my car getting in and starting it.






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