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"I don't know why I even accepted to stay in his stupid mansion." I mumble to myself. "He doesn't even treat me well there."

But at least he let you stay in his house.

Yeah true. But I think i should also try and look for a place to stay. I can't stay in his house till when?

I was cut off by the final bell for after school ringing. I quickly got up but heard the toilet door being open so I set back down slowly.

"I can't believe that rejection of a bitch thinks she can take my man away from me just because he simply saved her from Luke."

"Me too." I heard a Chinese accent voice who was trying to speak like Chanel reply.

"I need to put that bitch in her place. She has to know that she has no place in this school. There is no place for rejected orphan like her. How is my lipstick?"

"Looking gorgeous as always." Chinese who I remember as Wai replied. I mistakenly snickered loud enough for anyone in the toilet to hear, at her reply. I quickly shut my mouth with my hand. There was a bit silent.

"Did you hear that?" After a moment Chanel asked.

"No. You heard something?" Now I understand when people said she has hearing problems. Yeah, Lyra always tells me the rumor of the day. Wai was absent for three days at school and they said she went to the hospital for ear surgery or something but something went wrong during the surgery making her worse than before her parents tried for two days to help their daughter get a proper treatment for her ears but they couldn't so they just gave up.

"You should really fix your ears. Coz I know I heard something."

"Yeah, I said your lipstick is fine. You don't have to ask me again."

I hold back my laugh.


"Yeah let's leave the toilet. I'm really craving for ice cream." I use my hand to hold my mouth tightly to not let out a laugh making a single tear fall off my cheek.

"Please don't tell me it has started again."

"You also want ice cream? Finally you not telling me it will make me fat."

"Argh!" I heard Chanel before hearing the toilet door shut with so much force.

I let my laugh out. I never knew it was this worse. Oh shit! Nathan might leave me.

I quickly rush out of the toilet not forgetting to put my hoodie back on. I run out of the school, I really can't wait to be alone in the room.

I reach the parking lot and saw Nathan already seated in it. I rush to his car and got in the back seat.

"Sorry for coming late."

"I'm not surprised." I sigh and roll my eyes at him. Ignoring his rude comment.

He starts the car and we leave the parking lot.


I quickly got out of the car, eager to let my tears out. The whole ride to the house was completely silence that I became lost in my own thoughts. Making me notice that I'm actualy on my own. I'm alone, no one to care about me or to check if I'm okay or not. Like mom and dad.

"Hey! You left your bag in my car." He said after shoving it on me. I glared at him and resist the urge to thank him. He walks pass me to open the door and got in.

I also walked in after him and he locked the door. I quickly walk up the stairs only to be stopped by Nathan.

"Hey! Lissa or Liar or something what's her name?"

AWRY LOVE [1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now