*BOOK II: 19*

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This bitch!!!

"What are you doing here?" Antonio asked angrily.

"What did you expect me to do? You left me all alone in that hotel in California. What the name of the hotel again?"

The just made me more angry then ever. Besides why should I we aren't together anymore plus, I am married. I angrily picked up my luggage and turn, making my way upstairs.

Besides what was I waiting for, it's not like I forgot that room. Shit!... The key. I groan and turned back around already halfway up the stairs. I left my luggage and angrily walk back downstairs.

I ignore their stares and just face Antonio. I stretch my hands. "Keys." I said blankly. He sighs and takes out his thousands of keys but didn't take him long to find for my room. The blond hair lady just folds her arms and stares between me and Antonio.

"What the hell? She doesn't have manners. She will obviously not last a week here without getting fired." She said facing the other side and a dislike attitude on her face.

"Here. I'll be right there." Antonio gave me a assuring look but did I care? Nope, not at all. Guess my anger took the bonus. I took the key and walk straight up the stairs again.

"What's with her?" I look back to see the blonde bimbo asking Antonio. I angrily walk faster up the stairs, took my direction and finally got the door. I unlocked it and walked in with the luggage before shutting the door with so much force that I'm sure they could both here.


"What's with her?" Brittney asked.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"What Silver?" She tries playing innocent while running her hands on my chest slowly and tempting. I sigh and angrily took her hands off.

"I am not going to fucking fall for that!" I heard a door shutting loudly already knowing it's Larisa and the frown on Britney shows she also heard it.

"You should fire her real soon." She smirks.

"You are leaving now and don't ever come back." I said holding her wrist tightly. She wince.

"I didn't do anything wrong. What is wrong with you? You asked if I would go with you to Cali, but then you leave me all alone in the hotel. If not for Marco, I wouldn't have known you would be back here today."

"Marco.." I mattered. I continue holding her wrist as I start to drag a towards the door. "I don't care about you anymore,.." We got closer to the door. "..and I don't want to see you anymore. Don't you ever fucken call me or even breath an air next to me again."

"Who is even that bitch? You never answered." She said grabbing her hand from mine before standing and facing me once we reached the door.

"She's my girlfriend." I replied. She gasp and stares at me shocked for a while. She was about to talk but I cut her off. "You may leave." I opened the door and pushed her out, shutting it and ignoring the loud noise it made in the mansion.

I started my way upstairs. Passing the living room I noticed something so I turned back. A black diamond stones purse on the couch. It must be Brittney's. I don't have the time. I turn back forward and quickly made my way upstairs.


I sniffed again. Why am I even crying? He means nothing to me. Plus again, I am married to someone else right? I took another tissue and blow my nose on it.

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