*BOOK II: Prologue*

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The Beast takes the front seat next to the driver while Demian takes a seat by my side.

I watch through the tint window as the Jeep starts and the warehouse starts to move from my sight. I sigh and look down on my laps as my eyes becomes blurry.

I felt like I just betrayed Anthony, no I actually did. I should have told him earlier but I was just scared. I was scared he might leave me and willingly hand me to them. But he just told me he would have helped but my mind wouldn't think of the advantages but only thought of the disadvantages.

Demian drops his hand on my thigh but I tried taking it off but he just tighten the hold on my thigh which makes it hurt a bit so I just stopped trying. I hate my life. My happiness never last.

Demian quickly pecks my cheek, I faced him ready to slap him but his hard glare made me flinch.

"Don't you dare make me angrier than I am right now." He said still glaring at me. I quickly took my eyes off him and faced back the window.


The car parks inside a while huge unknown mansion which I have never seen before.

"W-what are we doing here?"

"It's our house sweetheart." Demian said before getting out the car. The nickname sending chills down my spine.

Just as I was about to open, I didn't notice The Beast was already out. He opens my side of the door wide and yanks me out making me gasp. He grips my arms so tight it starts to hurt. Demian at my back as the Beast keeps his tight grip on my arm, walking fast.

"Y-you are hurting." I managed to let out. My arm sore from his tight grip. Demian my so called husband does nothing but watches from my back.

"This is nothing." The Beast replies with anger dancing in his tone.

We finally reach the door and Demian walks pass us and took out his keys, unlocking the door. He faces me and gives me a sadistic smirk. I stare at him with blurry eyes.

The door unlocks and he opens the door and gets in while the Beast with me gets in after.

"Welcome home sweetheart. This is our lovely home." He said his back still facing me but he slowly turns around and smiles at me. "Hope you love it?"

"I hate you." I said with venom, starring at him with hatred eyes. He just smiles. But the Beast tightens his hold on my arm if that's even possible. I wince.

"Where is the room? I need to discipline my daughter before I take my leave." My evil dad says keeping his tight grip on my arm.


"Sir?" He guy says from behind him.

"Show my wife and father in-law our matrimonial bedroom."

"Yes sir." The guy steps forward almost as big as Demian. Yes Demian is huge almost like Anthony. His muscular arms shows through his suit. He looks well almost as dangerous as Anthony. But you would think he is Anthony's younger brother.

The guy named Lance nodes at me and the Beast gestures his hands for both of us to follow him. He stars walking up the miles of stairs while Mr Beast grabs me along.

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