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hinata grinned widely as he watched the drawing appear on his arm, right after he had rolled up the sleeve to his school jacket. he paid attention to the way his soulmate added in various details, even though it was just a doodle. an adorable one, at that. hinata guessed that if his soulmate's drawing was cute, then they would be cute as well.

hinata hoped his soulmate would be a girl shorter than him, but a boy was fine. he'd love his soulmate no matter what, and he hoped his soulmate would do the same.

everyday, his soulmate would draw adorable doodles on their arm, and of course, the drawing appeared on hinata's arm as well. sometimes hinata worries if they pay attention in class or not, because most of the time they draw during classtime - at least for him. so, hinata likes to write on his arm, asking them how they're doing and all that.

knowing people could write on their arm and the writing would appear on their soulmate's arm would make you think that you could just ask your soulmate about who they are, but it isn't that simple. if hinata tries to introduce himself through his writing, it would almost immediately disappear, not leaving a chance for his soulmate to see. it was the same if he wanted to ask them where they were and if they wanted to meet or not. basically, you won't know anything about your soulmate, you have to find out yourself.

all hinata knows about his soulmate is that they go to karasuno, as well. and today, hinata's soulmate happened to draw during lunchtime. so, hinata could write something back for them.

'how are you so good at drawing? T^T' he wrote.

hinata waited for a while, conversing with yamaguchi who was beside him as he munched on his pork bun. he asked the other male about how he first knew who his soulmate was.

it wasn't really a shock when everyone found out that yamaguchi's soulmate was tsukishima, and it wasn't really hard to find out about it, too. yamaguchi would have drawings of dinosaurs - or at least attempts at drawing them - on his arm, and he didn't need to search too far.

when tsukishima found out that yamaguchi was his soulmate, he turned softer for the freckled male. he never snaps at him or tells him to shut up. it was scary for the volleyball team, seeing him change almost completely. though, they got used to it pretty quickly, as tsukishima only acted soft around yamaguchi.

hinata giggled as he saw yamaguchi blush, the younger remembering something embarrassing but sweet tsukishima did to him not too long ago. glancing at his arm, the ball of sunshine's face brightened even more when he saw his soulmate's neat and beautiful handwriting on his arm.

'thank you, but i'm not really that good, i promise :('

hinata pursed his lips at their answer. he wanted to write a whole paragraph about how what they said was a lie and that their drawing was the best he's ever seen, but he doesn't want to annoy his soulmate by rambling. so, he settled on a sigh and wrote something back.

'whatever you say. continue drawing, please?'

his soulmate didn't write anything back. instead, they replied with another doodle. smiling, hinata watched as the ink created yet another masterpiece on his arm. sometimes, he doesn't really want to wash it away, but his soulmate would beat him to it.

and there hinata sat with yamaguchi, both enjoying their lunch, as hinata continued to watch his soulmate draw beautifully and flawessly, absolutely no mistakes or hesitation seen in the drawing.

he even showed yamaguchi his soulmate's creation, and the green haired male admired it as well, commenting about how lucky hinata was to have such a creative soulmate. hearing that, hinata blushed and said that he was proud as well.

okay so i hope you enjoy this...
i probs wont be making a lot of notes

okay, see ya

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