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hinata watched as (y/n)'s eyes widened, and she quickly turned to look by the door. their eyes met, and her cheeks reddened. she looked away as hinata opened the door and walked towards her, taking a seat beside her.

"hey," he whispered, taking note that (y/n) had just finished crying. "i saw everything."

(y/n) sniffed and nodded, turning towards him and looking at him straight in the eyes. they stayed silent as (y/n)'s eyes watered again, and it wasn't long before she basically launched herself into hinata's arms, crying.

hinata hugged her, rubbing her back as he hoped it'd soothe her. he looked down at her crying figure, happy that he found out she was his soulmate all along, but at the same time sad to see her like this.

after a while, (y/n) pulled back from the hug, much to hinata's dismay. he then put the girl's face in his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes. he grinned, hoping to lighten up the mood, but (Y/n) just sighed sadly.

"this day is so weird," she whispered, hinata answering with a nod. "first i find out that (e/n) stole my painting. then i find out that you're my soulmate."

hinata smiled wryly. "i hope you're fine with that. with me being your soulmate, i mean." he said, voice just as quiet.

(y/n) sniffed and shook her head. "of course i'm fine with it," she said, her face turning red. "i was hoping you'd be my soulmate."

hinata giggled softly. "same here."

a few moments passed, the two enjoying each other's embrace. after a while, (y/n) broke the silence. "i wanna tell everyone that it isn't (e/n)'s painting, that it's actually mine," she said, looking to the side. "but i know nobody will believe me, even if i have you as an eye-witness."

hinata tilted his head. "why not?" he asked, moving closer to the girl who sighed in response.

"(e/n) has a lot of people backing her up," (y/n) said, biting her inner cheek. "other than that, there's also the fact that nobody really knows that i paint. only you do." she sighed, leaning into hinata, who's face reddened.

hinata stayed silent for a while, thinking. it was only a short moment because he then remembered something important. he grinned, looking down at (y/n) who was snuggling up against his chest. "hey, (y/n),'' he called softly, causing the (h/c) haired girl to hum and look up.

hinata's grin widened. "i have something that could help."

(y/n) looked up at him, curiosity in her eyes. she watched as hinata shifted and reached his hand into his pocket, fishing out his phone. he showed it to (y/n), causing her to tilt her hand in confusion before finally realizing what he meant.

"you... you really did see everything, huh?" she giggled quietly. "i'm glad we have some sort of proof, but i still doubt they'll believe us." she sighed.

it was hinata's turn to tilt his head. "why not? it's solid evidence!" he exclaimed excitedly, but his excitement was cut short when (y/n) only responded by shaking her head dejectedly. seeing her so down made his heart ache, but he didn't press further and wrapped his arms around the girl instead.

once again, they enjoyed a moment of comfortrable silence, both thinking about different things. hinata was thinking about how he could cheer (y/n) up, while (y/n) was thinking about what to do. she still has her name signed up in the art convention, but since her painting was stolen, it would seem like she signed up but didn't even try to make anything.

sure, there was still a few more weeks until the art convention, but after (e/n) had stolen her painting, (y/n) didn't feel any motivation to retry. she also didn't have any idea of what to paint, so it would've been useless anyway.

(y/n) sighed, catching hinata's attention. "sho-chan," she mumbled into his chest, earning a hum in reply. "promise me... to not give the recording to anyone."

hinata's eyes widened. he gently pushed the girl away from his chest so he could look at her straight in the eyes. "why not?" he asked, sadness and desperation shown in his eyes, causing (y/n)'s heart to clench.

(y/n) shook her head and rested herself against hinata's chest again. "just... don't, okay? it's not worth it." she mumbled sadly.

hinata frowned. "don't say that," he said quietly, looking out the window at the sky. "your happiness is worth everything to me."

(y/n) blushed, burying her face further into hinata's chest. she tried her best to calm her beating heart, and to lessen the red on her face. after a while, she managed to calm down, and she huffed before looking up at hinata, her chin on his chest.

"sho-chan," she called. "look at me."

and when hinata did, he felt soft lips press against his own.

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