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(y/n) walked past the school gates, a smile on her face as she felt like something amazing was going to happen sooner or later. beside her was (f/n), the same happy-go-lucky aura present, but her reason was different. something she and some other people have been planning will come into play soon, and even though she was nervous about (y/n)'s reaction, (f/n) kept her spirits high and hoped everything would be okay.

as the two girls head towards class, (y/n) was stopped by a familiar-feeling hand placing itself on her shoulder. her heartbeat suddenly sped up, as she slowly turned around and faced the boy she loved oh-so much. once their eyes met, they immediately averted their gaze, a light blush on both their faces. seeing this, (f/n) smirked to herself before sneakily sliding away into the classroom.

"h-hey, (n-n-n/n)-chan," hinata greeted, scratching the back of his neck as he cringed at how much he stuttered. "h-...how have you been?" he asked, silently cursing himself for being so awkward.

(y/n) nodded slowly, although she didn't know why. "i've been fine," she answered, her voice nearly inaudible as she was mumbling, but hinata heard it. "thanks." she added, smiling slightly as the blush on her cheeks spread.

hinata cleared his throat as to hopefully not be awkward. "wanna eat lunch together?" he asked, heart beating erratically, as if this was the first time he'd ever asked (y/n) to eat with him. at the same time, he felt his heart ache due to the guilt of leaving his soulmate alone for a few days, but he knew it'll all be worth it.

(y/n) nodded, a small grin appearing on her face as she looked up at hinata, attempting eye contact. sadly, hinata was still looking away, causing her grin to slowly fade. "yeah, sure," she answered, heartbroken. "i'll see you then." she tiptoed and brushed her lips over hinata's cheek before turning and walking into her classroom, trying not to think too much about the suffocating feeling in her heart.

hinata watched as the (h/c) haired girl walked and sat down on her seat, immediately burying her face in her arms. his heart ached even more, and he wanted to do nothing but run into the classroom, head over to (y/n), and give her hugs and kisses all day long. sadly, if he did that, it would surely ruin the plan of 'acting cold towards (y/n)'. luckily, though, this plan will only last for only a few more hours, and then he could be as loving as he wanted to be with his soulmate.

with determination filing up his heart instead of sadness, hinata nodded to himself with a small, self-reassuring smile before he turned and walked towards his own classroom.


the students sighed in relief once they heard the bell ring, as they watched the 'most boring teacher in the history of teachers' walk out of the classroom. (y/n) slumped back against her seat, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for the next teacher to come, sighing as she wished that lunch would arrive quicker. sure, she was nervous about talking to hinata after a while of being ignored by the boy, but at the same time she couldn't wait.

it was currently an hour and a half till the lunch bell rings, but to (y/n), it felt like an eternity. luckily, one of her classmates ran in - they were checking if the teacher had came to school or not - and said that the class had free time because the teacher was absent. with that, (y/n) sighed in relief before she plopped her head onto her resting arms, quickly drifting off to sleep as she did so.


when (y/n) woke up, it was already lunchtime. most of her classmates have already left, leaving her with (f/n) and a few others in the classroom.

yawning, (y/n) reached for her bag and grabbed the bento inside of it. she made it herself, as she accidentally woke up too early in the morning. standing up, (y/n) gave a small wave to (f/n) before walking out of the classroom door, heading for hinata's class.

once (y/n) got there, her lips formed a small smile when she saw hinata still fast asleep on his desk, even drooling a bit. she bit her inner cheek before glancing around the classroom, checking if anyone was there other than her. after (y/n) made sure that it was only her and hinata, she quietly made her way over to the sleeping male.

the (h/c) haired girl placed her hand on his shoulder, shaking him slightly and watching as he stirred in his sleep. "sho-chan," she whispered. "wake up, sho-chan. it's lunchtime."

slowly but surely, hinata's eyes fluttered open. he sat up straight, looking around his classroom while stretching his arms and yawning. his eyes finally landed on (y/n), and he felt wide awake all of a sudden, a grin threatening to appear on his face. he covered it up by clearing his throat.

hinata stood up, grabbing his own bento. "let's go." he said, glancing at (y/n) before he walked towards the classroom door, as the (h/c) haired girl followed with a frown when hinata didn't even look back at her when he walked.

the two walked in silence, and (y/n) didn't know wether to feel awkward or comfortable at this point. she walked beside hinata, her gaze locked on her shoes, her lips sealed as she didn't even know what to say to break the silence. little did she know, hinata was struggling to keep himself from talking to her.

after a while of walking, the couple finally found a nice bench under the shade of a tree. sighing, (y/n) sat down, not noticing that hinata only placed his bento down before quietly leaving. the (h/c) haired girl closed her eyes and leaned back against the bench, feeling a breeze hit her face and blowing her hair back.

"hey, sho-chan, do you-" when (y/n) opened her eyes, her words got stuck in her throat as she realized hinata was nowhere to be seen. her heart dropped and she swallowed, feeling tears form in her eyes. "maybe he had something to do." she mumbled, trying to cheer herself up.

(y/n) looked around her, waching a couple of students walk by to find a place to eat. her tears were on the brink of falling, but she held them back as she whimpered, remembering that she didn't bring her sketchbook to distract her from everything. at this point, (y/n) felt like she wanted to run to her room and wrap herself in her blankets.

"he said he'll always care for me," she mumbled to herself. "i guess not."

yeah i counted it wrong. this chapter's gonna be split in two, so hopefully the chapter after the continuation of this chapter is the epilogue smh 🤦🏻‍♀️

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