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there, hanging on the wall, was (y/n)'s painting. what confused him was how the painting got there without (y/n) even submitting it.

"wow, isn't (e/n)-chan's painting so cool?" one of the girls said, pointing at (y/n)'s painting. hearing this, hinata's eyes widened. he approached the girls, gaining their attention by doing so.

"um, if you don't mind me asking, who submitted this painting?" he asked shyly, not really used to talking to girls he wasn't close with.

the girls giggled. "(e/n)-chan did! she's amazing, huh?"

hinata's heartbeat felt like it had stopped. he pursed his lips and nodded, managing a weak grin. "i see. thanks!" he said, bowing before he waved and turned to leave the gym.

once he was out the door, he sprinted to where he thought (y/n) might be. earlier in their friendship, the girl had stated that she would most likely be in the art room - which hinata never even knew existed. when he asked her why she didn't just paint her art convention submission there, she would just change the subject.

finally, hinata made it to the art room without getting lost. it was located in a place where not many students passed, so that explains why he's never heard about an art room in the school building before.

just as he was about to open the door, hinata saw (y/n) with someone else through the window. it looked like they were arguing - well, more like (y/n) was staying quiet with her head down and the other was smirking her ass off, probably while making some snarky remark. hinata scanned his eyes over the girl, and remembered seeing her in some school assemblies. he also remembered the girl being a senior.

"well, you weren't gonna win anyway, (y/n). so why not just accept the fact that you're painting is now mine?" the girl said with a snobby attitude.

hinata's eyes widened, and he quickly grabbed his phone so he could record what was happening.

"just think of it as a nice, friendly donation. i'm sure if they saw that the painting was under your name, it wouldn't get any credit. trust me, i know! that's why i decided to hand it in to the management as my painting instead!" the girl continued, and hinata held the urge to bust into the room right then and there.

"b-but it was my hard work, (e/n)!" (y/n) cried, but it fell upon deaf ears as the girl - or otherwise known as (e/n) - laughed.

"forget it! nobody cares if it was your hard work. they only care about who handed it in!" she said. "and this might be the chance to impress all the boys, as well! ooh, what a win!" she said, smirking at (y/n)'s crying figure.

hinata saw that other person walk towards the door after she had pushed (y/n) rather harshly, so he ran towards a turn and hid arond the corner, head peaking just a bit. he saw the girl come out of the room with a smug smile and quickly pretended that he was on his phone, texting - when in reality, he was just finishing his recording. once the girl passed him without paying him much mind, hinata quickly ran to the art room.

the door was still closed. hinata peeked in through the window again, watching with a broken heart as (y/n) buried her face in her hands and cried, her bag beside her with all the contents spilled out onto the floor. oddly enough, her pencil case was the only thing left beside her other than her bag, and it was opened. he moved his hand to the door handle, but just as he was about to open it, he saw some writing appear on his wrist, just barely visible due to his sweater's / jacket's sleeve.

'i wanna see you. im having a bad day.'

hinata's eyes widened as his heartbeat quickened. he peeked through the window again, and he almost screamed in joy at what he saw.

(y/n) was staring at her wrist intently, occasionally wiping her eyes with her other arm. she then pressed the tip of her pen on her wrist again, causing hinata's eyes to quickly move to his own wrist.

his eyes filled with tears of joy as he watched the drawing appear on his wrist. he quickly grabbed his pen - which he stuffed in his pocket due to him being too lazy to put it into his actual pencil case - and began to write on his wrist.

'i found you.'

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