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"oh, crap." hinata mumbled under his breath once he saw his soulmate walk by. he panicked for a bit, not knowing wether to go and talk to her or to quietly walk away. he briefly agreed with himself on the second choice, but immediately changed his mind when he saw (e/n) walk over to his beloved soulmate.

hinata quickly hid behind a nearby corner, hoping to catch what they were talking about.

"hey, (n/n)-chan~" (e/n) called with a fake friendly tone. "alone again, hm? no wonder nobody likes you." she continued, this time with a less 'friendly' tone. (y/n) looked away before trying to walk past (e/n), only to be pulled back by the arm.

"don't go thinking you can escape from me, (y/n)." she drawled, a smirk on her face. her smirk grew wider and she chuckled when she saw (y/n)'s eyes tear up.

"what do you want, (e/n)?" the (h/c) haired girl asked quietly, harshly pulling her arm from (e/n)'s grip. she backed away slightly, looking down at her feet.

(e/n) grinned sinisterly. "just wanted to remind you how worthless you are," she spat. "all you can do is paint and draw. nothing special. wow, your soulmate will be so disappointed when they meet you, i bet they'll leave you for me instead."

tears slip out from (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes, and she quickly wiped them so she wouldn't look weak in front of (e/n).

"and you thought submitting a painting for the art exhibition will gain you some attention, hm? what an attention slut." (e/n) continued, saying each word with such venom that even hinata started to tear up by just watching (y/n) get called those things. he wanted to confront (e/n), but he couldn't find the courage to do so.

seeing (y/n) cry even more, (e/n) laughed and rolled her eyes before walking away. (y/n) was left alone in the hall, leaning against a wall as she slid down until she was sitting against it. she cried silently, constantly wiping at her eyes.

hinata felt his heart break. he decided that he couldn't wait any longer, and quickly ran over to the crying (h/c) haired girl, sitting next to her. "(n/n)-chan..." he called softly, but was only answered by more sobs. "(n/n)-chan, please look at me."

(y/n) slowly looked up, and hinata's heart ached even more when he saw the tears constantly falling down her cheeks. eventually, (y/n) finally threw herself into hinata's embrace and cried her little heart out, just like before.

listening to the innocent girl cry made hinata want to cry, too. he didn't, though, and instead started to run his fingers through (y/n)'s hair gently as he whispered sweet words into her ear.

it worked like magic, as (y/n)'s crying began to calm down. after a while, she finally stopped crying, though she was still clutching onto hinata's shirt like her life depended on it.

"(n/n)-chan?" the orange haired male called softly, his hand still raking through (y/n)'s hair. "are you okay? did she hurt you physically?"

(y/n) shook her head to both of his questions, sighing shakily before sniffing. she leaned against hinata, enjoying the warmth he gave off while she tried to calm her breathing down.

hinata pursed his lips before sighing, a small, sad smile appearing on his face. "(y/n)-chan," he said softly. "you know that you shouldn't believe what she said, right? she's just describing herself."

he felt (y/n) nod against his chest, causing him to look down at her. she was obviously lost in thought, her eyes trained on something else. her expression was calm, even though her breathing was still slightly labored and shaky due to her crying.

"i don't know," she suddenly whispered, causing hinata to tilt his head in confusion. "i wanna move schools, sho-chan." (y/n) continued, voice cracking.

hinata's eyes widened. he wanted to say something, but the (h/c) haired girl beat him to it. "but that means i'll have to leave you." she whispered, her grip on hinata's shirt tightening.

hinata's eyes watered, and his lips quivered slightly. his heart clenched at the thought of not being able to see (y/n) everyday like he does now. "please don't," he whispered back, voice cracking. "don't leave me."

(y/n) smiled sadly, reaching out and cupping hinata's cheeks as she stared into his glassy eyes. she leaned in, pecking the bridge of his nose before pulling away with a light tint of red on her cheeks.

"i won't leave," she said softly. "i have you. i can take on (e/n) anytime."

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