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hinata rushed to where (f/n) was, which was on the rooftop. once he got there, he was breathing heavily since he ran the whole way. his eyes scanned the seemingly empty area, until he finally caught sight of the girl he was looking for, even if she was almost completely hidden.

hinata sighed and calmed his breathing down before speed walking to where (f/n) was, and rolled his eyes whilst chuckling lightly once he noticed that she was fast asleep, the thing he asked her to keep held tightly in her hand. he tapped (f/n)'s shoulder a few times, until the girl finally opened her eyes, only for them to shoot open once she realized who woke her up.

"ah, hinata-kun," (f/n) greeted, yawning. she grinned, holding the bouquet of colorful flowers up for hinata to take. "here's what you asked for."

hinata took them with a grateful smile on his face, bowing a couple of times. "thank you so much, (f/n)." he said, before turning to walk away. though, he was stopped short when (f/n) gripped his arm tightly, causing him to turn his head.

"you better apologize to her properly," she said, voice intimidating. "she almost cried because of you- no, actually, because of what you planned. and i'm pretty sure she cried anyway at home. so you better do the same, because you know she loves you a lot, right? she hates the thought of you hating her, even if it's just pretending. she spent her whole life thinking that no one would like - or even love - her."

hinata stared at (f/n) for a while, his heart breaking at the mention of (y/n) crying because of him. he nodded, pursing his lips. "i promise," he said, earning a nod from (f/n). "i'll make it up to her. i'll do whatever she asks." he adds, voice just below a whisper so (f/n) didn't hear what he said.

with that, hinata ran to where he left (y/n), and he swore, that would be the last time he would ever do that to her.


(y/n) ate her bento slowly, heart still aching and her eyes were getting tired from trying to hold back her tears. she swallowed down the food she was chewing, exhaling through her nose before looking up at the blue sky, with thin clouds passing by and blocking the sun from her view.

suddenly losing her appetite, (y/n) closed her bento and set it aside, not realizing that she put it right next to hinata's. she then continued to look up at the sky, her (e/c) eyes glowing under the sunlight, and because of that it became clear that they were slightly glossy due to tears. (y/n) swallowed back the sobs that were threatening to spill, but eventually she wasn't able to hold them back anymore.

whimpering quietly, the (h/c) haired girl buried her face in her palms, her tears already escaping through her eyelids. she sobbed quietly, hoping that nobody would walk past and see her in this state.

(y/n)'s crying only stopped slightly when she felt someone had stopped in front of her, with something being held out in front of her. quickly wiping her eyes while sniffing, she looked up, only to gasp when her face came in contact with a bouquet of beautiful flowers. their colors matched perfectly with each other, despite being different, and it attracted (y/n) to keep looking at it. she even reached out to it, and the person who was holding the bouquet gave it to her anyway.

(y/n) lightly sniffed the calming scent of the combination of flowers, sighing lightly before hiccuping due to her crying earlier. after a while, she finally looked up at the person who gave her the beautiful present, only for her eyes to widen in shock as more tears collected in them.

hinata stood there, a shy and apologetic smile on his face. his eyes screamed guilt, and they were welling up with tears as well. his hands were behind his back, and he shifted from foot to foot as he waited for (y/n) to say something. even if she scolded him, he would still be glad because he knew she'd forgive him if she did that.

"s-sho-chan," (y/n) whispered, voice cracking in the middle. "what's this f-for?" she asked, glancing at the bouquet in her hands before looking back at hinata.

hinata only smiled a soft smile. "i'm sorry," he said, causing (y/n)'s heartbeat to speed up slightly, her eyes widened as she waited for hinata to continue. seeing this, hinata took a deep breath.

"i'm sorry for ignoring you. i'm sorry for not reading your texts or answering your calls. to be honest, i've been so busy that i forgot to even charge my phone at night, that's why i haven't read any of your texts. i left my phone at home yesterday and today, because i needed to get to school earlier than usual and i woke up late." he explained, chuckling a bit before continuing, "i'm sorry i made you cry. i love you, very much, more than anything in the world. do you know why, (y/n)?"

(y/n) bit her lip, thinking for a few seconds. after a while she shook her head, biting back the sobs that were threatening to come out. seeing this, hinata's smile shifted into a grin.

"i might not seem like the romantic type, but i'm going to be completely honest with you. because again, i love you," he said, smiling as he saw the (h/c) haired girl blush. "and i love you more than anything in the world. because you're my world. i don't need anything else."

hinata reached out his hand for (y/n) to take, pulling her up to stand once she did. he leaned down and kissed the girl's forehead, smiling before pulling away and staring straight into her eyes with the utmost love and adoration. "so, (y/n)," he said. "will you forgive me?"

(y/n) finally let her tears go, and she leaned her head against hinata's chest as she cried silently. the bouquet was pressed between her and hinata's chest. she felt comfort when hinata's hand reached up and pat her head gently, while the other wrapped around her waist and pulled her closely. he waited patiently for the (h/c) haired girl to calm down, and when she did, he let her pull away to answer his question.

(y/n) smiled through her happy tears. she wrapped her arms around hinata's neck, careful not to hit his head with the bouquet. standing on her tip-toes, she kissed hinata's lips, with the other responding almost immediately, both their cheeks reddening.

after a few seconds, they pulled away. (y/n) grinned, leaning her head against hinata's chest.

"of course i forgive you. i love you so much. i hope you know that, sho-chan."

this one sucked ahsjsh

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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