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the said girl turned and froze once she saw who it was. taking a few steps back, she glared at (e/n), who stood there with clenched fists as she looked at the ground rather than at her like usual. it caught (y/n) off guard, especially when (e/n) called her with her proper name, but she still mentally prepared herself for the verbal abuse that she was sure she was going to receive.

"what do you want, (e/n)?" (y/n) asked, venom laced in her words. she watched as (e/n) visibly flinched and unclenched her fists, playing with her fingers instead. seeing this, (y/n) could tell something was off.

"i... wanted to apologize," (e/n) said through gritted teeth. looking up slightly, she saw the look of utter disbelief in (y/n)'s eyes, causing her to sigh. "listen, i'm being serious and i won't say this twice. i'm sorry, (y/n)."

(y/n) stayed silent, trying to absorb what was just said to her. she stared at (e/n) with wide eyes, and anyone could see clear fear and some tears in them. the (h/c) haired girl began to relax, but not all the way, as she still wanted to be prepared for any sudden insults or for (e/n) to say that this was all a prank. but, it never came.

(e/n)'s face reddened, and (y/n) wasn't sure if it was because of anger or embarrassment. "look, i'm serious, okay? i've got a two day suspension now. but i'm genuinely sorry for stealing your painting... and causing you all the trouble." she mumbled, but (y/n) heard everything perfectly due to the quietness of the empty hallway.

not getting any response from (y/n), (e/n) bit her lip and nodded to herself before turning around. as she was about to walk away, (y/n) reached out and grabbed her shoulder. "i-i forgive you!" she exclaimed, eyes widening as she didn't mean to yell too loud. "i forgive you, (e/n)-chan." the (h/c) haired girl repeated, voice lower, as she dropped her hand to her side.

she could be hallucinating, but (y/n) was almost 100% sure that she saw (e/n) smiled for a brief second before it disappeared again when she nodded and turned, walking away. the (h/c) haired girl wanted to chase after her and say something else, but she was too shocked to do anything.

a hand placed itself on her shoulder, causing her to turn around in a flash. (y/n) sighed in relief seeing that it was daichi, who had a warm smile on his face. "i see that things have gotten better for you two," he said, causing (y/n) to make an 'eh?' sound. "so my plan seemed to have worked." daichi finished, smiling down at (y/n), who's eyes widened in confusion.

"what?" she asked, not completely understanding what daichi meant. though, her question remained unanswered as daichi only grinned and ruffled her hair before turning and walking away. (y/n) watched his retreating figure until he disappeared in a crowd that started to form as students piled into the school building.

sighing, (y/n) turned and began walking to her class, her mind wandering off to hinata. she missed him, yet every text she sent him, he ignored. it still hurts her, but she always tries to convince herself that it was just because hinata was busy and couldn't check his phone or his messages.

thinking of hinata made the (h/c) haired girl remember all the things he's done for her to cheer her up. the times he visited her when she was painting, to all the moments where he was there to assure her that everything was going to be fine, right after (e/n) had ruined everything for her. (y/n) bit her lip, trying not to cry.

she just misses him so much.

next chapter is the chapter before the epilogue.

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