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"is (y/n) here?"

the said girl perked up when she heard her name being called by a very, very familiar voice. classes have ended, and everyone else was packing their things to go home, but (y/n) decided to lag behind a bit.

eyeing the front door, where some of her classmates stood, the (h/c) haired girl slowly stood up and began walking towards them. her (e/c) eyes brightened and she grinned once she saw who it was.

once her classmates all dispersed from the door (because they already told the person about (y/n)'s whereabouts), (y/n) practically sprinted towards the person and jumped into his arms, earning a yelp from the other.

"sho-chan!" (y/n) cheered, giggling. "i miss you!"

hinata smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her. "i miss you, too," he said. "go pack your things and let's go already."

(y/n) rolled her eyes as hinata practically whined. she pulled herself from the warm embrace before walking back to her desk, ignoring the questioning stares of her classmates. she quickly packed her things - well, it was more like she shoved everything in her bag - and hurriedly walked back to hinata, grinning.

hinata chuckled as a blush appeared on his cheeks. "i didn't think you'd be that fast." he admitted before mumbling something that (y/n) couldn't hear, causing her to pout.

"sho-chan," she whined quietly. "what did you just say?"

hinata's face reddened even more. "n-n-nothing! it was nothing," he stuttered, looking away and trying to calm himself down. "it wasn't anything important. y-you don't need to know."

(y/n) raised an eyebrow, her pout still visible. knowing she wouldn't get an answer out of hinata, she let it off with a sigh, whilst sneaking her hand into hinata's and intertwining their fingers. she lightly squeezed his hand, giggling when hinata's eyes widened as he looked away, obviously trying to hide his blush.

"let's go." (y/n) said, walking forwards and pulling hinata - who was still blushing very furiously - with her, completely ignoring the questioning stares and confused murmurs from the (h/c) haired girl's classmates.

as the couple walked, they talked about a lot of things. starting from what they did the whole day - well, before their tear-filled encounter earlier - to what they thought about (e/n) being called into the principal's office. the two lowkey hoped that someone exposed her, but they don't really want to get their hopes too high up.

right before the two reached the school gates, they met someone rather familiar - to hinata, at least.

"hinata!" the person called, waving the couple over.

hinata turned his head towards the source of the sound, a grin appearing on his face as he did so. he turned to (y/n), grabbing her other hand as well so she was facing him.

"(n/n)-chan, i gotta go talk to sugawara-san for a bit. wait for me, okay?" hinata said, still grinning.

(y/n) smiled and nodded, letting go of hinata's hands as the boy turned and practically ran towards the person - who she now knows as sugawara. she sighed, smile still visible as she made her way past the gates, choosing to wait there instead of standing in the middle of the yard.

"what's up, suga-san?" hinata asked once he was close to the older male, who smiled back at him.

"oh, it's nothing, really," sugawara said, chuckling. "i just wanted to ask you something. is that okay?" hinata nodded, waiting for the question to come.

"what do you think about (e/n)?" the third year asked straightforwardly, causing hinata's heart to stop beating for brief second as he tried to comprehend what was asked.

"(e-e/n)?" hinata mumbled, looking at everything else except for sugawara, who was patiently waiting for his answer. "i don't really know her, s-suga-san." the first year answered, only partially lying.

sugawara raised an eyebrow, his warm smile still visible, calming hinata's nerves slightly. "are you sure?" sugawara asked, causing the younger to gulp.

"y-yeah." hinata said, smiling nervously and nodding furiously.

the silver haired third year chuckled, causing hinata to tense up slightly. he felt his heart beat faster once sugawara stared straight into his eyes. "not even how she stole your soulmate, (y/n)'s painting?" he asked, knowing he hit the jackpot as hinata's eyes widened.

hinata looked away, biting his inner cheek. after a while, he stared back up at sugawara. "how did you know?" he asked quietly, but the older heard him clearly, as he answered with a simple smile.

"i have my ways," sugawara answered, glancing at (y/n) who was standing next to the school gates, staring into the streets. he then looked back at hinata, who looked desperate for answers. "you'd better hurry to your soulmatae, hinata." the silver haired male said, patting hinata's shoulder before walking past him.

hinata could only watch his retreating figure until he wasn't in sight anymore. biting his lip, he turned and quickly walked over to (y/n), slipping his hand into hers.

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