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it's the next day, and hinata was walking down the hallway. everyone else was either eating lunch at the cafeteria or in the courtyard, but he had already finished his lunch, so he decided to go on a walk.

as he walked past the many empty classrooms, one room caught his eye. it was an unused classroom, and it was rarely occupied by anyone. but this time, hinata saw someone in there, painting.

the male decided to walk in and maybe introduce himself to that person, so he did. as he opened the door, he noticed that the person painting was a girl, who had her hair up in a messy bun. she was so focused on the painting that she didn't hear the door opening and closing.

hinata examined her painting, and as he did, his eyes widened. it was like nothing he has ever seen before, and it made his heart flutter. it was beautiful, flawless, breathtaking, yet he couldn't really comprehend what it was supposed to be. though, that fact only made him more hooked onto that said painting.

the contrast of the colors yet the way they blend so well together make it even more interesting to see, and hinata felt like he couldn't take his eyes off of it. unconciously, he started walking closer, gaining the attention of the girl who was painting.

"uh, hello," she said, cheeks flushed.

hinata snapped out from his trance and looked at the girl. his eyes were still wide as he examined her facial features. he thought she looked way prettier than the painting, and that thought caused him to blush mildly.

"wow, you're pretty." he said unconciously, causing the girl to blush even more. she nodded, acknowledging what he had said, though not completely believing it.

"t-thanks, um..." the girl trailed off, not knowing his name.

hinata's starstruck expression turned into a friendly one in less than a second, but his cheeks were still red. he held out his hand for the girl to shake. "my name's hinata shouyou. nice to meet you!" he said, grinning.

seeing his grin, the girl seemed to be more at ease and smiled as well. she took his hand and shook it softly. "my name is (y/n) (l/n). nice to meet you, too, hinata-kun." she said, giggling.

once they had let go of each other's hands, (y/n) continued to paint while hinata grabbed a chair and sat next to her. he watched intently as (y/n)'s brush strokes showed no hesitation whatsoever, she was definitely confident in what she was doing and hinata found that attractive.

shaking his head, hinata slapped himself. he told himself countless times that he should stay loyal to his soulmate, even though he hasn't met them yet.

"so, uh... are you joining the art convention?" hinata asked, still watching (y/n) paint with shining eyes.

(y/n) nodded. "yeah. but i'm not really hoping i'll get the award, though. i don't really consider this my best work," she said, stopping and dipping her paintbrush in more paint from her palette. "then again, i've never really considered anything my best work." she mumbled, but hinata heard it anyway.

"hey, you shouldn't say that! this painting's the best i've ever seen so far in my life!" hinata exclaimed, causing (y/n) to blush and smile bashfully.

"t-thanks." she said, giggling as she carefully yet skillfully painted on her canvas.

hinata discreetly rolled up his jacket's sleeve and glanced at the doodle his soulmate had previously drawn. he then looked over to (y/n)'s arm, deflating when he noticed she was wearing a sweater so her arms weren't visible. sighing, hinata rolled his sleave back down and leaned back in his chair. "so, (l/n)-chan. have you found out who your soulmate is?" he asked, hoping it wasn't too personal for their first time meeting each other.

(y/n) sighed and pouted. "no, i haven't. and i don't have a clue of who it might be, as well." she said in a disappointed voice.

hinata hummed. "same here."

and after that, the two stayed in silence as (y/n) painted and hinata watched, only a few words uttered to each other as the (h/c) haired girl was so focused on painting. this went on for a few more minutes before the bell signalling lunch was done rang, and the two stood up.

hinata bid his goodbye and waved, walking out of the classroom. once he had reached his own, he sat down and began to write on his arm.

'i really, really wanna meet you.'

...only for it to disappear seconds later.

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