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hinata's principal decided it would be a great idea to hold an art convention, containing paintings and other art created by the school's most creative students. of course, hinata was excited. knowing that his soulmate was artsy could only mean at least one of the paintings on display could be theirs.

this art convention was limited to first years only, as the second years already had their turn last year and the third years need to focus on their upcoming exams. though, all of them are still permitted to visit.

hinata hoped that his soulmate was a first year. prefferably, someone younger than him.

the first years were expected to finish their artwork at least two weeks before the art convention, so the management could figure out the placement of the convention. anyone was free to apply,  they just need to sign up to the convention's management.

other than showing off the first years' artwork, there would also be a prize for the best one of all. the faculty would vote on which artwork was best, and the one with most votes wins. the creator of that artwork would receive a prize, of course, and the prize changes every year.

hinata didn't feel like signing up, because he felt like he wasn't creative in the art department. maybe he was creative in thinking of strategies in volleyball, but other than that he was clueless. that's why sometimes he felt bad that his soulmate would get someone as un-creative as him, while they were basically a professional artist.

"hinata, are you signing up for the art convention?" the said male turned and was met with a familiar grinning face. he grinned back, chuckling nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"ah, suga-san. nah, i don't think i'll be signing up," hinata said, sighing as he glanced at the sign-up booth. "i'm not really that good at arts and i don't wanna embarrass myself - that is, if my artist of a soulmate ever saw my creation."

sugawara smiled warmly and ruffled the younger male's hair. "ah, i see. well, i'll see you around, hinata!" he said, waving and walking away.

hinata sighed as he watched sugawara turn a corner and disappear from his sight.

the hallway he was in was starting to get crowded with the people who were signing up for the art convention, so hinata quickly slipped past the sea of people and rushed to his classroom. there, he sat down in his seat, puffing his cheeks.

his eyes drifted over to his arm, where he saw the usual 'daily doodles' appear on his arm. smiling, hinata silently wondered what his soulmate would draw this time. it started out as a simple flower, and suddenly it bloomed into something he couldn't quite comprehend, but nontheless it was still adorable and breathtaking.

once his soulmate had finished drawing, hinata grabbed a pen and began to write.

'amazing as always OvO. btw, did you sign up for the art convention?'

while waiting for them to answer, hinata made his own attempt to draw. he drew a cat, but it looked more like a disabled horse. blushing, he scribbled over his drawing and laid his arm on his desk, resting his forehead on it to hide his red face.

after some time, he finally looked up again. his face wasn't as red as before, but it still had a hint of pink. hinata glanced at his arm, where he found a new message written from his soulmate.

'yeah, i signed up. hope you can guess which is mine! >.<'

smiling, hinata thought of something to write back. once he did, he put his pen's tip over a blank space in his arm to write, but his soulmate beat him to it.

'hey, why'd you scribble it out? that cat was really cute!'

reading what they had wrote, hinata blushed furiously once again. he wrote back saying that he needs some time to cool himself down from the embarrassment, and hid his face in his arms on his desk. he whined slightly, feeling extremely embarrassed that his soulmate had seen his attempt at drawing, even though it was pretty obvious that they would.

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